DM2E / dm2e-mappings

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Are there cases for skos:Concepts linked by owl:sameAs to non-GND, non-VIAF resources? #94

Closed kba closed 10 years ago

kba commented 10 years ago

The current DM2E->EDM algorithm directly links to contextual resources that reference GND or VIAF URIs via owl:sameAs. If a skos:Concept has owl:sameAs statements that point to neither GND nor VIAF, we need to change the owl:sameAs to skos:exactMatch to be compatible with Europeana's usage of SKOS.

This is implemented but I could not find any data to test. If any data provider has data like this:

... dc:subject <http://.../concept1> .
<http://.../concept1> a skos:Concept ;
    owl:sameAs <> ;
    skos:prefLabel "Foo Bar" .

Then please add a comment with a reference to the containing aggregation so we can test this.

kba commented 10 years ago

Here's one: in

knepper commented 10 years ago

My mapping uses skos:exactMatch instead of owl:sameAs in skos:Concept but I think there is no real life example in the current data. It might be in GEI.

knepper commented 10 years ago

No occurence, corrected anyway...