DMPRoadmap / roadmap

DCC/UC3 collaboration for a data management planning tool
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Step 1 to create a plan #150

Closed stephaniesimms closed 7 years ago

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

As a researcher, I would like to select a template and begin writing a plan. This step involves selecting/confirming a user's org affiliation and/or which funding agency they are applying to.

See UX wireframe @JEK-III :

Pivotal ticket: Related to the story for copying a plan:

Screenshots of existing DMPonline create plan steps: 1) select funder, 2) subsequent steps to select guidance from institution and other sources dmponline_plan_create1_funder


briri commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2017-04-27 at 4 33 00 pm

This isn't deployed yet, just wanted to run the screenshot by everyone first to see if the layout, wording, etc. all look good. @stephaniesimms @sjDCC @JEK-III

briri commented 7 years ago

same as #261

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

@briri this looks great to me. let's wait until Monday for @sjDCC to have a look too.

briri commented 7 years ago

bringing over @sjDCC comments from the duplicate #261

"I would also prefer that you could pick guidance to include at this point too, even though you can switch it off later. It would make the optional guidance more prominent because it's very hidden otherwise. Many unis recommend that researchers select the DCC checkbox, so by removing it from this stage, we're requiring all their guidance be rewritten.

There's also no way to get the generic template now"

@JEK-III can you assist with these concerns?

JEK-III commented 7 years ago

@briri This looks great.

As far as the comments from #261 go, in reverse order:

You get the generic template if you select no organization and no funder (or if neither has a custom template). If there is a significant use case for users wanting the generic template even when one of the others is available, then we can either

I'm hesitant to do either unless we're sure we need it, but if we do, we do.

I recommend agains selecting guidance on the plan creation page because I think it's important to get users into the plan workflow as quickly as possible and keep a clean separation between the permanent template-choosing step and the changeable decisions that follow. We could highlight guidance options by

I suppose that whether the first option is compatible with uni guidance will depend on how specific the language is. For the specific case of DCC guidance, could we turn it on by default (either for all of DMPOnline or on an organization-by-organization basis)?

All of that said, if we really do need to select guidance on the create plan page, we can certainly add a chooser (probably checkboxes) as a last step in plan creation

briri commented 7 years ago

I added some javascript so that if one of the checkboxes is clicked, its corresponding dropdown is cleared and disabled. I also set it so that the 'Create Plan' button is disabled until a decision is made in both the org and funder sections.

So the possible scenarios and their outcomes are:

Here's the updated screenshot showing the disabled funder dropdown screen shot 2017-04-28 at 2 58 28 pm

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

Thanks for working on this @briri The text in your screenshot with the two questions works for me. In the current roadmap code, we had removed the checkbox / link to say no funder was applicable and instead placed a 'no funder' option in the dropdown list. This is probably better for visibility as people often missed the link beneath the box.

Regarding the generic template, I expect people use/need this, but stats on how many times people click the link 'select here to write a generic plan' would help to bear that out. Can we pull those @vyruss? For now I'm happy to go without it and see if the question gets raised during testing. As you say, people get this generic template anyhow when no other more relevant one is available.

If there's a call to reinstate the generic template as a separate option, my hunch is that @JEK-III's suggestion to "make the currently conditional final "select a template" dropdown something that always appears with the generic template as an option" will work best. Giving too many initial routes in will lead to inevitable questions about the different between custom, generic and test plans.

I agree with @JEK-III that it's better to separate out the template and guidance selection, particularly as guidance can now be switched on/off whereas the template is a fixed setting. We've just jumped a bit ahead of ourselves here by removing it without fully having the guidance selection options working smoothly post plan creation.

I think there are a few things we should do here: 1) ensure some guidance is switched on as default. If the user's org (or the institution selected in the first dropdown) has themed guidance or annotations on the specific template chosen, this should be on by default (based on the settings / question responses in the create plan wizard) but able to be switched off later 2) we should highlight the guidance configuration options once a plan is started. This is a new and unfamiliar workflow so we need to raise awareness of it 3) we may want to allow certain guidance (e.g. DCC) to be switched on as default. This is probably best at an organisational level rather than per installation 4) we should improve the layout of the guidance options as these can be unwieldy and ones that should be more prominent (e.g. subsets for the given institution) can be lost in the list. See #288

I think #1 should be done for MVP0.3 whereas 2 and 3 could come in MVP or later. Does that work?

briri commented 7 years ago

Here are the latest screenshots of the create plan page (note the addition of the plan title): screen shot 2017-05-05 at 11 44 44 am The above is what it looks like on initial page load (note the 'Brian's Plan' suggestion for the title. This will revert to 'My Plan (Template Title)' if the user's first name isn't stored in the database)(also note the org associated with my user account is the Univ. of Helsinki so the page has defaulted to it for me)

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 12 02 23 pm The above shows the new accessible jquery autocomplete dropdown

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 11 46 16 am The above shows what clicking 'no funder' looks like

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 11 50 58 am The above screenshot shows the additional dropdown the user is presented with when there are more than one template available for the funder.

I added some messaging to the page after the plan is created that lets the user know that they got the generic template. Not sure this is necessary or not. I seem to recall Ray doing some work around this to make things a bit clearer. Its easy to change the wording or remove. screen shot 2017-05-05 at 11 58 47 am

JEK-III commented 7 years ago

Looks great!

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

@sjDCC We added a question to the plan creation workflow for your consideration (see screenshots above). Despite tooltips, it's difficult to get DMPTool users to provide an appropriate plan title although this is a required step. In DMPonline it's not a required step and the default title "My plan (template name)" is not so great. I wonder how many users just click through with the default title or don't know what to enter and write things like "Data Management Plan"? One possible solution is to ask for the name of the project in the wizard and use this as the edit-able pre-populated title once a user clicks through to the Plan Details page. Please let us know what you think about this approach.

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

This looks good. I'm happy with the addition of a project name question. I think most people just leave the auto-generated title in place, which isn't helpful.

Regarding the messaging, I think it would be best to call it a generic template, not plan i.e. "The funder you selected does not have.... provided you with the generic template."

There is some existing messaging in roadmap, but it's not very clear what template you're getting and why. In ticket #207 I've suggested reworked text for this. Perhaps use that to adjust the second line of the message for different scenarios? This is assigned to @jollopre so flagging him and @vyruss here FYI

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

After a round testing on dev I have the following corrections/changes:

Design/UX things:

Remove suggested Project Title - leave blank no-name-title

Prepopulate PI/Research First and Last Name instead of email prepop-pi-name

NIH template: Funder and Org inverted wrong-funder

Example of selector AND dropdown list see-full-list

Default funder - List as "None"? default-funder

JEK-III commented 7 years ago

I did a quick run-through with VoiceOver. The Select2 replacement is working really well(!), but I did come across a few issues:

WAVE turns up a couple of other issues:

Despite the number of bullet points above, the page is in good shape! The missing/disassociated labels are the only really critical obstacles to basic accessibility.

briri commented 7 years ago

@stephaniesimms how do these look for a revised (hopefully less confusing) version of the 'The plan is based on' section screen shot 2017-05-09 at 11 56 17 am screen shot 2017-05-09 at 11 59 30 am

the only annoying bit is templates that end with the word template. I can put a check in for that but it wouldn't work for other languages

briri commented 7 years ago

Ok @stephaniesimms and @JEK-III I just deployed some changes to the server based on your feedback above.

briri commented 7 years ago

@stephaniesimms I addressed everything except the following as they are beyond the scope of plan creation. We should create separate tickets for these:

briri commented 7 years ago

@JEK-III I think the following issue should be addressed when we redo the global navigation

Instead of changing those h3 headings to h2 I simply made them the fieldset's legend (didn't know there was such a thing ... learn something new every day ;))

I believe the labels are all now correctly associated with their fields.

I also added an 'aria-disabled' attribute to the button that should inform the screen reader about its presence/status. Let me know if that works or not.

JEK-III commented 7 years ago

@briri Agreed that we should not worry about the header now

Sounds like a good solution to the fieldset label problem. It turns out that VO doesn't read the legends with Chrome, but it does with Safari. I think VO users generally use Safari (specifically because it does better with VO), and the individual field labels are reasonably descriptive, so I think we've done what we can. It does look like the legend text is too close to the top of each box– it would look better if you could drop it to about where it was (by 10 or 20px?) or even just pad it with some white space.

Labels are working great.

The button is still not focusable by tabbing. Users will be able to hear it if they're having VO read the page, but they'll miss it if they're just filling out the form. I'm still not sure what the best course of action is– a recent Stack Exchange thread about a similar situation seems to conclude that even though you shouldn't be able to put focus on a disabled button in principle, in practice it's probably the least bad thing to do.

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

@briri Re "This plan is based on..." can we resolve the template template issue by renaming the templates to just use the funder name? i.e., National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, National Science Foundation, etc.

The rest looks great and thanks to @JEK-III for the accessibility check. I didn't have a chance to test everything fully before leaving today so unfortunately it will have to wait until I'm back in the office on Mon (time to get VPN working ...).

briri commented 7 years ago

I'm not comfortable renaming the templates @stephaniesimms since we don't own/manage all of them. Its also not really something we would then have to enforce all the time just to accommodate this messaging. I added some logic to add 'template' only if the name of the template doesn't end with 'template'.

I just deployed this minor change to the dev server so you should be seeing the most current messaging now

briri commented 7 years ago

hey @JEK-III I added some spacing to the top of the legend. I also took some time to throw together a submit button that is hopefully more accessible. I'm no longer using the 'disabled' attribute, so the user should be able to tab onto the button where it will display the following message: screen shot 2017-05-10 at 1 05 35 pm

Let me know how it functions within the screen reader. The button is visibly greyed out and continues to act as though it were disabled for users clicking on it.

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

I think all of this is covered and really like the look of the revised create plan wizard - thanks all!

The issues @stephaniesimms raised about pre-populating PI field with name not email and the explanation of what template all seems to be working on DMPonline test. I don't see them on staging yet but guess that's because @briri is on leave so leaving open for now for Steph to check and close roadmap-staging

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

this all appears to be working as expected on Roadmap stage now. closing out.