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DCC/UC3 collaboration for a data management planning tool
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Revise Write Plan page #494

Closed stephaniesimms closed 6 years ago

stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

UX wireframes @JEK-III : Functional Specification (global spec for all write plan pages): Implement with a non-table layout; attach labels to input fields Related issues for write plan pages #491 #495 #497 #498

briri commented 7 years ago

Hoping @jollopre can work on this one since he is familiar with the new auto-save feature.

Note that the Guidance portion of this page is a separate ticket: #495 This ticket will need to be worked on in coordination with the guidance ticket because the Guidance/Comments section is being contextualized to the answer that has focus. (e.g. user expands a section and/or sets focus on an answer and the guidance/comments should update)

The section/answer portions of this page should function the way they currently do in the development branch. The following things need to be added/changed though:

briri commented 7 years ago

@JEK-III @stephaniesimms @sjDCC and @dsisu I'm not completely finished with this yet but wanted to provide a screenshot to begin soliciting any feedback you may have for the layout. screen shot 2017-07-19 at 2 54 36 pm

I've tried to retain the structure of the existing guidance/comments section

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

Looks good to me @briri Nice clean layout. I just have two suggestions (marked on screengrab below)

I think the section headings would be best with a coloured background to divide them more visually. I also wonder if we can reduce the padding at the bottom of the guidance/share note box and scale this to fit the number of pieces of guidance? It seems particularly big (too much whitespace) on the share note example.


One other teeny point is changing the text to 'UoE example answer' The phrase 'Example of answer' was one of Marta's portuguese-english-isms that I thought we had removed but she's creeping back in ;-)

briri commented 7 years ago

@sjDCC @dsisu @stephaniesimms @JEK-III The revised write plan page is out on roadmap-stg and ready for your review. I can already see the "unsaved changes" message is appearing above the "updated by someone at ..." message so we will need to adjust its position. Let me know where you would prefer to see it.

Please note any changes in this ticket and move it back to in progress if you have any.

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

Thanks @briri

I much prefer it with the greyed out section headings and smaller guidance / comments box.

There are a couple of things I'd change:

  1. Personally I would position the example answer above the answer box to give ideas before people complete. It seems odd to me below
  2. I think we need to reintroduce the scroll bar into example answers. Some of our Unis have given really detailed examples, or multiple examples, so the box can be very large. At present some examples make the save box a long way off
  3. We seem to be missing labels on guidance and example answers to explain where they've come from

A couple of screengrabs below to explain what I mean



I see what you mean about the 'unsaved changes' button obscuring text. I guess it should come beneath the save button like in DMPonline


briri commented 7 years ago

That's really odd @sjDCC it displays the organisation names for me on the guidance and the example answers. Which template did you use? can you share the plan with me?

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

Maybe it's a legacy data issue? It was a funder one. EPSRC I think. Will dig out and share

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

A quick follow on to this which I've just noticed on creating a new plan. The guidance which is attached to the template seems to be missing the text 'guidance' on the label


stephaniesimms commented 7 years ago

I agree w/everything except position of the example answer. It seems odd to me above. My thought is that we want users to proceed smoothly through the wizard from question to supplying an answer, and the example below the editor is prominent enough that they can refer down to it if they want to but not have to hurdle over it if they aren't interested in the example. If you feel strongly about it going above @sjDCC that's fine, but we should definitely implement a scroll bar as noted below so users can still navigate easily to the editor and provide an answer.

Here's a summary of requested tweaks to this page @briri w/one more above TBD:

screen shot 2017-07-27 at 9 26 02 am

JEK-III commented 7 years ago

My main concern with putting suggested answers above the question (which does make sense from a workflow perspective) is that it potentially introduces a lot of text between the question and the place to answer it. I think that will still be true with scrollbars– definitely a good idea– unless we make the answer box irritatingly short. Conceptually, it's more guidance that belongs in the left column, but I realize that there is so much stuff in there already that it's at risk of getting lost.

sjDCC commented 7 years ago

Thanks @stephaniesimms @JEK-III

@dsisu and I definitely both prefer the example answer above the answer box. It seems to fit better in the workflow there and we'd rather avoid too many changes to the existing look and feel of DMPonline. Having said that, I do take your point about avoiding users having to skip over this if they're not interested. So long as the example answer is prominent (i.e. adjacent to answer box rather than in guidance panel) I'm not too fussed about whether it's above or below. Happy to switch to your preferred view.

Considering your point about not having to skip over this, perhaps the save button should move up between the answer box and example answer so the editable / action area is grouped together and all help/reference resources are around this in panels to the side and below? That may not be necessary with the autosave though as people will need to click this button less.

briri commented 6 years ago

closing. the work on the write plan tabs is complete