DMPRoadmap / roadmap

DCC/UC3 collaboration for a data management planning tool
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UTF in pdf export footer #73

Closed raycarrick-ed closed 5 years ago

raycarrick-ed commented 7 years ago

UTF is fine in the body of the pdf but not in the footer. Needs further exploring. Setting the encoding works for the body but not the footer, need to find out where that is getting set.

briri commented 6 years ago

@sjDCC can you verify if this is still an issue? Things seem ok in DMPTool and Roadmap but perhaps an issue for DMPTuuli or others. The PDF footer at some point contained bad characters. I think though that its been resolved by all of the work done over the past year.

benjaminfaure commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have this issue on my test server of DMP OPIDoR. I'm running roadmap V1.0.5. I resolved this issue by adding encoding: 'utf8' in export method of the plans_controller.rb

Here is my export method :

  def export
    @plan = Plan.includes(:answers).find(params[:id])
    authorize @plan

    @show_coversheet = params[:export][:project_details].present?
    @show_sections_questions = params[:export][:question_headings].present?
    @show_unanswered = params[:export][:unanswered_questions].present?
    @public_plan = false

    @hash = @plan.as_pdf(@show_coversheet)
    @formatting = params[:export][:formatting] || @plan.settings(:export).formatting
    file_name = @plan.title.gsub(/ /, "_")

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { render layout: false }
      format.csv  { send_data @plan.as_csv(@show_sections_questions),  filename: "#{file_name}.csv" }
      format.text { send_data render_to_string(partial: 'shared/export/plan_txt'), filename: "#{file_name}.txt" }
      format.docx { render docx: "#{file_name}.docx", content: render_to_string(partial: 'shared/export/plan') }
      format.pdf do
        render pdf: file_name,
               margin: @formatting[:margin],
               footer: {
                 center:    _('Created using the %{application_name}. Last modified %{date}') % {application_name: Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name], date: l(@plan.updated_at.to_date, formats: :short)},
                 font_size: 8,
                 spacing:   (Integer(@formatting[:margin][:bottom]) / 2) - 4,
                 right:     '[page] of [topage]',
                 encoding: 'utf8'
briri commented 6 years ago

@benjaminfaure, thanks for confirming that its still an issue and for providing the fix :)

We'll need to add this encoding line to the plans controller and the public templates export

sjDCC commented 5 years ago

Hi @xsrust @johnpinto1 Can you tell me how to test this one? Is it special characters like umlauts in the footer that had caused issues previously?

johnpinto1 commented 5 years ago

@sjDCC Change the Language setting to French (say). Then look at the footer.

I noticed the issue is not an issue on DMP Online (but as @benjaminfaure pointed out they were having the issue). So this fix does no harm.

The French specific characters should appear as expected in the footer selection_112

sjDCC commented 5 years ago

All looking good. Closing out