DMPbelgium / roadmap

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Plan details: always show title of phase for single phased plans #63

Closed nicolasfranck closed 1 year ago

nicolasfranck commented 1 year ago

For plans with only one phase the tab does not show the phase title, but "Write plan".

This is done here:

We already override this view here: So that is the place to put any edits (do not edit the original in order to avoid merge conflicts in the future).

More information about branding of views in roadmap:

What the wiki does not show is the fact that the folder app/views/branded is added to the .gitignore by the DCC. I fixed this my adding an extra .gitignore for any extra folder in app/views/branded where I override the global settings from gitignore: (that ! means that the folder/file is readded to the git repo).

@StCyr can you update that branded view as your first issue, and send me a PR? Do this to see the intended difference with the original:

$ diff app/views/plans/_navigation.html.erb app/views/branded/plans/_navigation.html.erb
nicolasfranck commented 1 year ago
