DMTF / Redfish-Protocol-Validator

The Redfish Protocol Validator tests the HTTP protocol behavior of a Redfish service to validate that it conforms to the Redfish specification.
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Some questions about SSDP test cases #51

Closed FelixD999 closed 1 year ago

FelixD999 commented 1 year ago


I have a few questions I would like to ask as follows, with screenshots attached: 擷取

  1. SERV_SSDP_AL_HEADER_POINTS_TO_SERVICE_ROOT: I want to confirm that the Redfish Service Root URL expected result is /redfish/v1/? I refer to RFC1738 and see the URL contains "HTTP://", I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

  2. SERV_SSDP_CAN_BE_DISABLED: The message mentions 'Service responded to SSDP query after disabling SSDP'. Is this mean we cannot find BMC ip with SSDP protocol disabled by SSDP query?

  3. SERV_SSDP_ST_HEADER_FORMAT: & SERV_SSDP_UUID_IN_CANONICAL_FORMAT: The messages mentions 'Returned ST header does not match the regex pattern"^urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1(:\d)?$" and The unique ID found does not match the regex pattern "^uuid:([a-f0-9-]+)::urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1(:\d)?$"' I refer from the DSP0266_1.15.1, is it because the "15" of "urn:dmtf-org:service:redfish-rest:1:15" limited by the minor versions regex?

Thanks, Felix

mraineri commented 1 year ago

1) I would expect a full URL in the response like you have (like what you have); simply having "/redfish/v1/" isn't helpful since it doesn't tell the user how to get to the service. The spec isn't clear on this either, so I'll raise this with others. We'll also need to fix the tool (assuming others agree).

2) That's correct. Some users do not want to allow SSDP at all on their networks, which means they'll need other methods to discover the BMC (or perhaps they have everything statically assigned and do not need to perform any discovery). This test checks that SSDP can be disabled on the service via setting the "Enabled" property for the protocol in ManagerNetworkProtocol.

3) That looks like a bug in the protocol validator and we'll need to update the regex pattern to allow for multiple digits for the minor version.

FelixD999 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your detailed explanation, we will continue to wait for results.

mraineri commented 1 year ago

@FelixD999 I'm looking at the AL header test a bit more and I noticed that it looks like the contents of your header appear to be wrapped in double quotes; this is not expected. The test is examining the "path" portion of the URL and ignoring the rest.

mraineri commented 1 year ago

@FelixD999 I've also created a branch called "Fix51-SSDP-Fixes" if you'd like to test the fix for the third issue.

FelixD999 commented 1 year ago

Hi @mraineri ,

Thanks for your help, but after test 1.1.5 version still have one test case exist error about regex pattern: 4

Thanks, Felix

mraineri commented 1 year ago

Missed that one; will make additional changes.

mraineri commented 1 year ago

@FelixD999 there should be a fix available now