DMTF / Redfish-Service-Validator

The Redfish Service Validator is a Python3 tool for checking conformance of any "device" with a Redfish service interface against Redfish CSDL schema
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Failed to lauch the validator that version is 2.1.5 #494

Closed JojoWu19 closed 2 years ago

JojoWu19 commented 2 years ago

I cannot launch validator (version is 2.1.5) in linux environment, but it works normally when I switch to 2.1.4. Here is the error message:

Setting up service...
Service could not be started: TypeError("redfish_client() got an unexpected keyword argument 'proxies'",)
Try running the Redfish Protocol Validator to ensure the service meets basic protocol conformance
mraineri commented 2 years ago

Please check the version of the Redfish Python library you have installed. We added a feature to have manual proxy overrides, and that's dependent on a newer version of the library. We updated requirements.txt with the new dependency (redfish>=3.1.5).

You can check the version with pip show redfish. If you have something older than 3.1.5, you can update it with pip install redfish -U.

JojoWu19 commented 2 years ago

@mraineri , I can launch validator after pip3 install redfish -U, so I close this. Thank you.