If folks agree with the content, will update the README to include documentation. Could use some input on some of the arguments.
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r list
Id | Model | Serial Number | State | Health
1 | GLH9000 | 0458329 | Enabled | OK
Id | Model | Serial Number | State | Health
1 | ZAP4000 | 29347ZT536 | Enabled | OK
Id | Model | Serial Number | State | Health
1 | ZAP4000 | 29347ZT536 | Enabled | OK
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r status -t RackPDU -pe 1
RackPDU 1 Info
Status: State: Enabled, Health: OK
EquipmentType: RackPDU
Model: ZAP4000
Manufacturer: Contoso
PartNumber: AA-23
SerialNumber: 29347ZT536
Version: 1.03b
FirmwareVersion: 4.3.0
ProductionDate: 2017-01-11T08:00:00Z
AssetTag: PDX-92381
Power: 6438 W
Energy: 56438 kWh
Temperature: 31 C
Mains Id | Nominal Voltage | Phase Wiring | State | Voltage (V) | Current (A) | Power (W)
AC1 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 3 Phase, 5 Wire | --- | Polyphase | Polyphase | ---
Branch Id | Nominal Voltage | Phase Wiring | State | Voltage (V) | Current (A) | Power (W)
A | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 937.4
B | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 977.8
C | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 816.5
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r outlets -t RackPDU -pe 1
RackPDU 1 Outlets
Outlet Id | Nominal Voltage | Phase Wiring | State | Voltage (V) | Current (A) | Power (W)
A1 | 120 V AC | 1 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 197.4
A2 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 384.5
A3 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 349.9
A4 | 120 V AC | 1 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | --- | --- | ---
A5 | 120 V AC | 1 Phase, 3 Wire | --- | --- | --- | ---
B1 | 120 V AC | 1 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 228.3
B2 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 321.6
B3 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 426.5
C1 | 120 V AC | 1 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 56.8
C2 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 394.1
C3 | 200 V to 240 V AC | 2 Phase, 3 Wire | Enabled | Polyphase | Polyphase | 355.4
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r outletinfo -t RackPDU -pe 1 -o A2
Outlet A2 Info
Status: State: Enabled, Health: OK
PhaseWiringType: 2 Phase, 3 Wire
VoltageType: AC
OutletType: IEC C13 (250V; 10A or 15A)
NominalVoltage: 200 V to 240 V AC
RatedCurrentAmps: 12
PowerState: On
Voltage: 202.4 V
Line1ToLine2 : 202.4 V
Current: 1.9 A
Line1 : 1.9 A
Power: 384.5 W
Energy: 52941 kWh
Frequency: 60.1 Hz
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r mainsinfo -t RackPDU -pe 1 -m AC1
Mains AC1 Info
Status: State: N/A, Health: OK
CircuitType: Mains
PhaseWiringType: 3 Phase, 5 Wire
NominalVoltage: 200 V to 240 V AC
RatedCurrentAmps: 40
BreakerState: Normal
Line1ToLine2 : 202.8 V
Line1ToNeutral: 117.8 V
Line2ToLine3 : 203.8 V
Line2ToNeutral: 116.6 V
Line3ToLine1 : 205.3 V
Line3ToNeutral: 118.5 V
Line1 : 8.02 A
Line2 : 8.66 A
Line3 : 6.91 A
Neutral: 2.74 A
Line1ToLine2 : 738.9 W
Line1ToNeutral: 198.4 W
Line2ToLine3 : 748.3 W
Line2ToNeutral: 231.5 W
Line3ToLine1 : 759.6 W
Line3ToNeutral: 58.1 W
Frequency: 60.1 Hz
$ rf_power_equipment.py -u root -p password -r branchinfo -t RackPDU -pe 1 -b B
Branch B Info
Status: State: Enabled, Health: OK
CircuitType: Branch
PhaseWiringType: 2 Phase, 3 Wire
NominalVoltage: 200 V to 240 V AC
RatedCurrentAmps: 16
BreakerState: Normal
Line2ToLine3 : 203.6 V
Line2ToNeutral: 116.7 V
Current: 5.95 A
Line2 : 5.95 A
Power: 977.8 W
Line1ToNeutral: 977.8 W
Energy: 110345 kWh
Frequency: 60.1 Hz
If folks agree with the content, will update the README to include documentation. Could use some input on some of the arguments.