DMU-CTEC2902 / Number6-Repo

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Final MVC Project #23

Open Nikotrow opened 5 years ago

Nikotrow commented 5 years ago

The system is completed and everything is finished. The site contains the user details and also the details of the movies and users. There is information about the movie's and each movie has it's own rating. The "index" page, AKA the "homepage" has a welcome message it also promotes movies such as top rated, new and up coming. There is an "About" page on the website and also a "Contact" page. There is a "Register" and "Log in" page which work fine. The index for the movies, users, and reviews all contain options for you to "Create New". This basically allows you to add a new movie, user or review to the website. There is also an "Edit" button, a "Details" button, and a "Delete" button. These pages were all created by the developer of the project.

The system analysts documented everything for the system by creating diagrams such as a use case diagram, a class diagram, an entity relationship diagram and two sequence diagrams. The GitHub was updated by the analysts, basically describing everything which had been going on with the system and talking about anything new within the website. There is also a storyboard, which basically documents the whole system. It is basically a simpler version of the website in storyboard form and it show's everything within the website such as it's homepage, log in page, the list of movies, users and so on.