DMaroo / fakwin

Fake KWin DBus service to make KDE 6 play nice with i3wm
MIT License
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Filled a bug upstream #1

Open nikht0 opened 4 weeks ago

nikht0 commented 4 weeks ago


I went through the same exact journey you did (investigating, mocking the dbus service) before stumbling on your repo. I have filled a bug upstream. Please feel free to add details if you have any.

DMaroo commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, thanks for the heads up! I didn't think of filing a bug upstream because I was more of an opinion that using custom window managers was an "at-your-own-risk" sort of an area and I didn't expect KDE to support it.

But thanks again for filing the bug upstream. I have dropped a comment linking to this repository (so as to help anyone with the same problem) and regarding a 2 line fix.