DNNCommunity / DNN.ActiveDirectory

Active Directory authentication for DNN
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DNN 7.2.1 not working with DNN Active Directory 6.00.06 #43

Closed RobbieBrandrick closed 6 years ago

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

I am trying to get ad auto sign in to work for our DNN intranet site. We are running DNN 7.2.1. Currently we have been using DNN Active Directory version 5.06, but I can't seem to get auto sign in to work after carefully following the instructions on the wiki and experimenting with different settings-. When I install the latest version of DNN Active Directory (i.e., 6.00.06) I receive the following error message after the installation: "Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.IUserController' from assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'." I have also tried installing DNN Active Directory 6.00.00, but I receive the same error. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

The issue I am having with DNN 7.2.1 and AD 5.06 is when I go to the web site I am being prompted for a username and a password in a browser dialog box (basic auth). None of the ad admin accounts seems to work for a successful login. When I click cancel on the dialog then I receive a 401.1 Unauthorized. Here some information from that screen:

'Requested URL': http://

/DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/ActiveDirectory/WindowsSignin.aspx?portalid=0 Physical Path: \DesktopModules\AuthenticationServices\ActiveDirectory\WindowsSignin.aspx Module: WindowsAuthenticationModule Error Code: 0xc000006d

sawest commented 6 years ago

DNN doesn't cause the dialog box. That usually is on the web server level. Perhaps permissions on the windowssignin.aspx file?

I am busy with my "real" job right now but will get back to this project soon. Hopefully I can give a more verbose answer at that time.

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response. I have looked into permissions in IIS, and NTFS for the WindowsSignIn.aspx file, and made quite a few tweeks to no avail. I have had a couple other sets of eyes on this problem as well (including a network administrator) but they were not able to find the issue. I even installed DNN 9 with the latest AD module, but I am getting the same issue. Not sure what else I can try... If it helps I am running windows 7 with IIS version 7.5. I have not tried this on our servers because I wanted to have it work locally first.

sawest commented 6 years ago

Look in your web.config file and see if you can find this portion. Should be at the bottom: `

<formsAuthenticationWrapper enabled="false" />
    <!-- Enable IIS Windows authentication for the login page -->
      <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
      <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />


Does it match mine?

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

Yes. It appears that yours and mine are a match. Here is mine directly from the web.config:


<formsAuthenticationWrapper enabled="false" />
    <!-- Enable IIS Windows authentication for the login page -->
      <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
      <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />


Under System.web I also have this too (mentioning as I am unsure if that is correct, although, I have tried all variations that I can come up with):


<!--<identity impersonate="true" />
<authentication mode="Windows">
RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

Should there be a code behind for the WindowsSignin.aspx in my project?

sawest commented 6 years ago

Very little but yes there is code behind.

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

Interesting, because I don't see the code behind in the .zip file (i.e., ActiveDirectory_05.00.06_Install.zip). I downloaded this from here: https://github.com/DNNCommunity/DNN.ActiveDirectory/releases

sawest commented 6 years ago

The install package doesnt have source code. You need to download the source package.

RobbieBrandrick commented 6 years ago

Just to confirm though, do I need the code behind to make the install package work?

Sorry to bug you. We just really want to get this feature to work.

sawest commented 6 years ago

No you do not need the code behind for installation. All code behind compiles into a single dll file that is included in the install package.

westechms commented 6 years ago

I was able to spend some time working on the autologin feature. I have found a major problem on the Microsoft side. If you are browsing to a website on the local machine using a hostname other than the actual hostname then you will get the 401 and/or pop up box. Here is the workaround for this situation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/896861/you-receive-error-401-1-when-you-browse-a-web-site-that-uses-integrate

This problem should not present if you browse to a the site not on your local machine. Please report any results.

sawest commented 6 years ago

The wiki has been updated to explain the problem with local server auto login.

RobbieBrandrick commented 5 years ago

The wiki has been updated to explain the problem with local server auto login.

Thanks for updating the WIKI but FYI... I see you updated the wiki, but it doesn't contain a hyperlink to the article. I think the wiki is missing many hyperlinks. Could you just specify the full URL since hyperlinking isn't working?

RobbieBrandrick commented 5 years ago

I was able to spend some time working on the autologin feature. I have found a major problem on the Microsoft side. If you are browsing to a website on the local machine using a hostname other than the actual hostname then you will get the 401 and/or pop up box. Here is the workaround for this situation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/896861/you-receive-error-401-1-when-you-browse-a-web-site-that-uses-integrate

This problem should not present if you browse to a the site not on your local machine. Please report any results.

This fixed the problem! Thank you. How did you figure that out?

vamsisagi commented 5 years ago

I am getting the same issue. Can you please explain how you resolved this.

sawest commented 5 years ago

I have updated the wiki. Not sure why the link wasnt working.

@vamsisagi the link above and in the wiki explain how to work around the issu

vamsisagi commented 5 years ago

@sawest I followed the steps and it worked in my local machine. When I am trying to do the same in production but didn't work. In production, I tried both methods that you have suggested. Is there anything that I need to try.

sawest commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately if you indeed are experiencing the problem listed in this issue, I am rather limited on helping as it is outside the scope of this module. The link above is about all I can do to help. Post any fixes/research you can to help others. If I run across any other fixes for this I will post as well.