DNNCommunity / DNN.FormAndList

Design your own table complete with field types, validation and custom user permissions.
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Cannot Select Folder to Import/Export Data #64

Closed kaneluong closed 5 years ago

kaneluong commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug

Cannot select folder to export or import data. The only option in the dropdown is . Is there a fix for this?

SCullman commented 5 years ago

I cannot reproduce. image Your user needs READ and WRITE permissions on the folder, otherwise they are not listed.

SCullman commented 5 years ago

same for Export Content: image

kaneluong commented 5 years ago

I have read and write permissions at the root of the folder. It still doesn’t work.

What folder are you adding the read and write permissions?

SCullman commented 5 years ago

Any folder you want to see in that list. (As administrator, you should see every folder here.)

kaneluong commented 5 years ago

The permissions are correct. I still don't see it. I only see the folders if I export/import the content.

I'm using version 6.5.3 of Form and List.

I even tried it on a clean install of DNN 9.4 with all permissions set up correctly and I only the see folder if I export/import the content.

SCullman commented 5 years ago

Well, I can reproduce on DNN 9.4.0. All folders crated by default are not initialized with proper permissions. Go to any of them in Manage -> Site Assets. Right click on folder, open View Folder Permissions. Go to tab Permissions. Do nothing but to click button Save.

Go back to Form and List. The folder will appear now in Export to Csv. This can't be solved here in the scope of the module.

valadas commented 5 years ago

This has been reported a number of times in the platform repository (see https://github.com/dnnsoftware/dnn.platform

But none of the reports I have seen had reproducible steps, this appears to be bound to some environmental factors or some combination of upgrades, etc. For that reason I am closing this issues here.

SCullman commented 5 years ago

As long as this is not fixed in DNN 9.4., this issue should stay open.

valadas commented 5 years ago


SCullman commented 5 years ago

This is weird. But now, after 4 more DNN9.4 installations, I know what is happening. 🤦‍♂️

SCullman commented 5 years ago

And now this can be closed!

kaneluong commented 5 years ago

I'm assuming that the fix will be released on the 9.4.1 version? As of now, we should just do the work around on what you mentioned?

SCullman commented 5 years ago

Just use the Default Website.template instead the Blank Website.template and delete any unwanted content. Or do the workaround as described. If the fix will be included in DNN 9.4.1 is out of my control.

valadas commented 5 years ago

PR got merged, so this should be fixed when Dnn 9.4.2 gets out