DNNCommunity / DNN.Reports

DNN Reports module provides a simple, flexible, view on your database, any table, any view and display results with plugin visualizers
MIT License
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Exception after upgrading to latest release 6.1.0 and upgrading til DNN 9.2.0 #37

Closed Audun1555 closed 4 years ago

Audun1555 commented 6 years ago

Anyone else experienced this?


AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:1ae36cc1-1866-4fc4-a898-485006efbc23 AssemblyVersion:9.2.0 PortalId:0 UserId:3 TabId:53 RawUrl:/Reports/SomeReport Referrer:http://SomeServer/DesktopModules/admin/Dnn.PersonaBar/index.html?cdv=65 Message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. InnerStackTrace: at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.ReportsController.GetReport(ModuleInfo ModuleInfo) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.ViewReports.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

Source: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:

EPTamminga commented 6 years ago

Please try to reproduce the error with the debug DLL in the bin folder. This will provide line #'s of the error. DNN_Reports_06.01.00_DEBUG_DLL.zip

Audun1555 commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry but I rolled back before I got the chance to debug. From the logs it seems like there is a cast of date that fails in the 6.1.0 version.

"Could not cast 07.11.2017 08.44.37 to property CreatedOn of type System.DateTime"



DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke










Message:Could not cast 07.11.2017 08.44.37 to property CreatedOn of type System.DateTime


at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository1.DeserializeProperty(T settings, PropertyInfo property, ParameterAttributeBase attribute, String propertyValue) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository1.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.b__0(ParameterMapping mapping) at DotNetNuke.Collections.CollectionExtensions.ForEach[TType](IEnumerable1 source, Action1 action) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.Load(CacheItemArgs args) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired)

InnerMessage:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.


at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles) at System.Convert.ToDateTime(String value, IFormatProvider provider) at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.DeserializeProperty(T settings, PropertyInfo property, ParameterAttributeBase attribute, String propertyValue)


dhassall commented 6 years ago


I had exactly the same problem (I'm new to GitHub). I initially opted for Clone / Download button, which downloads the whole of this project.

However if you choose the Find File button and then put ZIP after DNN Reports/ you then see Installation/DNN_Reports_06.01.00_Install.zip and that's what you need


EPTamminga commented 6 years ago

The new releases are in the release tab in this repository

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

We have detected this issue has not had any activity during the last 180 days. That could mean this issue is no longer relevant and/or nobody has found the necessary time to address the issue. We are trying to keep the list of open issues limited to those issues that are relevant to the majority and to close the ones that have become 'stale' (inactive). If no further activity is detected within the next 21 days, the issue will be closed automatically. If new comments are are posted and/or a solution (pull request) is submitted for review that references this issue, the issue will not be closed. Closed issues can be reopened at any time in the future. Please remember those participating in this open source project are volunteers trying to help others and creating a better DNN Platform for all. Thank you for your continued involvement and contributions!