DNS-OARC / dns-metrics

DNS Metrics JSON Schema
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New(?) properties #5

Open jelu opened 1 month ago

jelu commented 1 month ago


time_units_per_sec ... remove! Always use microseconds. timestamp_start ... usec-precision timestamp of measurement start (can be zero, or unixtime, or anything random)


since ... usec-precision timestamp of periodic stat begin until ... dtto period_number ... sequential number of this periodic stats

Event-based counters:

conn_init ... sent SYN packets (TCP) or Initials (QUIC, where it's equal to session_init + resumption_init) conn_established ... TCP handshakes completed (in DoQ, this is equal to session_established + resumption_established) session_init ... attempted initiating TLS session session_established ... TLS/QUIC handshakes completed resumption_init ... attempted resumpting TLS session resumption_established ... TLS/QUIC handshakes completed by resumption resumption_fallbacks ... attempt to session resumption denied by counterpart, continue to session_init (NOTE: in case of DoQ, this can also lead to "lost" DNS queries) resumptions_try ... TLS/QUIC session resumptions attempted resumptions ... TLS/QUIC session resumptions successful (NOTE: this is ALSO counted as "established") [TODO right now we are assuming that 0-RTT DNS query is sent on every successful resumption on DoQ and never on DoT]

queries ... sent DNS queries replies ... received DNS replies close_sent ... initiated graceful connection close (FIN sent in TCP) closed ... gracefully closed connections reset_send ... abruptly closed by us reset_recv ... abruptly closed connections by counterpart (only those RSTs that belong to existing conns?) unexpected_DNS ... received unexpected DNS packet unexpected_raw ... received unexpected packet that is NOT(!) DNS (e.g. TCP SYN+ACK without matching SYN), any ballast on wire discarded_DNS ... DNS queries from given input that were not sent (e.g. excessive size of DNS query on input) discarded_raw ... any packet that was not able to send (BESIDES! discarded_DNS)

State-based periodic timers (also in the case when measurement canceled prematurely, this will contain non-zeros at the end):

establishing ... handshakes pending connected ... established connections alive ongoing ... DNS queries waiting for reply (not timeouted)

Size counters (in bytes, cumulative, not average!):

DNS_query_size ... DNS payload ONLY (even without 2-byte prefix in TCP) DNS_reply_size wire_size_out wire_size_in

Latency timers (in usecs, avg/min/max/stddev/buckets):

initial_latency ... within handshake, from initial packet sent to first reaction recv handshake_duration ... from initial packet to handshake (incl. TLS/QUIC) completed (possibly multiple round-trips) response_latency ... from DNS query sent to DNS response recv user_latency ... from initial packet sent to DNS response recv (including handshake ONLY if it was needed) connection_duration ... from initial packet sent to connection closed (or timeouted, failed, abandoned...)

Originally posted by @libor-peltan-cznic in https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dns-metrics/issues/2#issuecomment-2125036563

jelu commented 1 month ago

@libor-peltan-cznic oh, this is a lot of properties, we kinda need to start somewhere, so which of these already exists today?

libor-peltan-cznic commented 1 month ago

Note that "resumptions_try" and "resumptions" is a mess that oughta been deleted. Please remove.

libor-peltan-cznic commented 1 month ago

Well, some of the hadnshake details are only specificly needed with DoT, so you might postpone those.

In any case, vast majority should be optional, so we can start with anything. "Which exist today" is a question specific to any tool you have in mind. Probably "queries" and "replies" are first :)

jelu commented 1 month ago

@libor-peltan-cznic What of this does your tool already generate?

libor-peltan-cznic commented 1 month ago

Well, our tool generates any JSON output only in case of a development branch, which might be abandoned anyway: https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/knot-dns/-/commits/xdpgun_json

So far it looks like this, but I repeat that it might be abandoned or altered, so I don't see any point in following it:

  "type": "header",
  "runid": 1716468905003400,
  "schema_version": 20221207,
  "merged": true,
  "time_units_per_sec": 1000000,
  "generator": "kxdpgun",
  "generator_params": [
  "generator_version": "3.4.dev0+1716308098.066968356",
  "stats_interval": 10000000,
  "interface": "wlo1",
  "threads": 1
  "type": "stats_sum",
  "runid": 1716468905003400,
  "since": 1716468893986294,
  "until": 1716468905003396,
  "requests": 72,
  "answers": 72,
  "responses": {
    "NOERROR": 3,
    "NXDOMAIN": 69
jelu commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/DNS-OARC/flamethrower/issues/99#issuecomment-2107862753 by @nicki-krizek

Feedback on the proposed format: