DNSCrypt / dnscrypt-resolvers

Lists of public DNSCrypt / DoH DNS servers and DNS relays
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More IP SANs, More IPv6 #900

Closed demarcush closed 2 months ago

demarcush commented 2 months ago

Be sure to take your time as I'm submitting this as a draft first, it's a huge PR.

The goal is to improve the reachablity of servers with using SANs and IPv6, and also correcting mistakes here and then.

Why using IP SANs? Anti-censorship reasons; State actors around the world has started blocking DoH traffic with SNI inspection, removing that single point of failure in the chain results in such actors resort to active probing and/or blocklisting IP ranges, both of which are costly enough to reduce the incentive for them to do as such.

demarcush commented 2 months ago

It was so huge it broke the PRCheck. :)

demarcush commented 2 months ago

These logs are sure giving me a headache. I'm considering closing this. Should I submit the changes one PR at a time or make another branch and submit the draft first-hand so that prcheck would be able to check every step of the way? @jedisct1

jedisct1 commented 2 months ago

prcheck found errors: https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/actions/runs/9056401552/job/24878890291?pr=900#step:3:916

But yes, splitting this into multiple PRs doing only one class of changes at a time would be much better.

demarcush commented 2 months ago

Alright, just didn't want to spam the PR section. But now that you say so.