DNSInc / DNS-Techpack-1.6.4

Official issue tracker for the DNS Techpack
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[Resolved]"EnergyNet.removeTileEntity:" everywhere. #43

Open cleme29 opened 10 years ago

cleme29 commented 10 years ago

Hi, Since the last update of DNS-Techpack (, I have these error messages :

[Server] WARNING EnergyNet.removeTileEntity: mekanism.generators.common.tile.TileEntityAdvancedSolarGenerator@51f28b7d (mekanism.generators.common.tile.TileEntityAdvancedSolarGenerator@51f28b7d) wasn't found (added), skipping. [Server] WARNING EnergyNet.removeTileEntity: TileMultipart_cmp$$34@7035bbf7 (TileMultipart_cmp$$34@7035bbf7) wasn't found (added), skipping.

That message is laggy client and server (CPU 100% always and before 50-55%). I don't know why they came now. Pls help me :) (I don't know if I'll write this message on Mekanism GitHub) fon9zwg


I found the answer to my old question: JUST to chunkload the area and yes that was just that ;( So thanks..

toto666 commented 10 years ago

Hey, be strong friend!!!!!

keep your version up to date^^ and see the bug tracker of author, your answer is here: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/1452

cleme29 commented 10 years ago

Oh, I don't see :P Thx !

cleme29 commented 10 years ago

The 6.6.0 change something ?