DNSTechpack / DNS12-MC1.12.2

DNS Techpack version 12.x.x for Minecraft 1.12.2
8 stars 5 forks source link

[MOD REQUEST] Thaumcraft 6 #52

Open Zargs opened 6 years ago

Zargs commented 6 years ago

Any other info?

definablefan4 commented 6 years ago

As it is still in beta, I would say it unlikely until it is fully released.

robaimes commented 6 years ago

In the past I've been fine with adding mods while still in beta to the optional list. Once more stable and some decent testing has been done they then get moved to default. Since TC is magical it's probably staying optional though. TC hostorically hasn't caused many gameplay affecting crashes either, so personally I wouldn't be against it being added. However, that's up to Zae.

Soloun commented 6 years ago

Can I respectfully second this request? I've tried it in a few other packs but those packs just aren't DNS. It would be great to have it here even optionally.