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Issue in implementing SSL using ImplRepoService #2193

Open gnsh0802 opened 7 months ago

gnsh0802 commented 7 months ago

Hi Team,

I am having small client & server code developed using c++ in windows environment using VS 2019 along with ImplRepoService. This works in fine without SSL and I the corba connection is established and I am able to invoke functions from server.

I have implemented SSL for the same working code using SSLIOP protocol where I face difficulties.

Below are the sequences that to initialize Corba SSL environment

  1. Defining an environment variable ImplRepositoryServiceIOR with "corbaloc:ssliop:localhost:12345"
  2. starting the locator service with the parameter mentioning the location of svc.conf file & the endpoint details with port name. I am using -x option to store the poa details into xml file.
  3. starting the Activator service with necessary parameters.
  4. starting the tao_imr.exe with necessary parameters.

The services are started successfully.

Further, the client and server ORB_Init calls are initialized with a service configurator file (svc.conf) and observed that the ssliop, ace_ssl dynamic libraries are loaded correctly during ORB init process and peer authentication are successful.

Further, In Client program, I am using the string_to_object call to convert the corbaloc link to IOR object to connect to server.

When I use _narrow function to construct the server object, Then the activator displays that the server is running at <corbaloc:iiop:1.2@mylocalhostip:random portnumber>, and the _narrow call hangs.

So, debugged and observed that The server is hanging withhandle_event function & the client is hanging in sock_read function of Open SSL library.

As per the activator, the server is running iiop protocol. I Assume, since we have implemented SSL, the activator should have published a corbaloc link using ssliop. Is my assumption correct?

A response will be highly appreciated.

Thank you so much.