DOI-DO / dcat-us

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - United States Profile Chief Data Officers Council & Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
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More information needed about the usage of Dataset's metadata distribution property #163

Closed sofianef closed 5 months ago

sofianef commented 7 months ago

Name: Carrie Comstock

Affiliation: USEPA Office of Research and Development (ORD),

Type of issue: Schema, Editorial

Section # / Table #: 5.16.3 Dataset's metadataDistribution property


Original email submission: USEPA-ScienceHub-FAIRness.Project.-.DCAT-US-3-AP.-.Comment.Review.Matrix.xlsx

hkdctol commented 6 months ago

this issue through 165 -- if it's a matter of providing some usage notes we should discuss what they should be and add them

fellahst commented 6 months ago

The DCAT-US 3.0 profile introduces a new dcat-us:metadataDistribution property on dcat:Dataset with range dcat:Distribution class with properties mandatory properties:

dcat:downloadURL dcterms:title dcat: mediaType - the encoding of the source metadata (e.g., XML, JSON, other) dcterms: conformsTo - reference to schema specification/ standard for the source metadata

TDabolt commented 5 months ago

For implementation - Agencies may need to spend more time understanding new concepts introduced in DCAT 3.0