Issue: The naming and examples for the "documentation" property are unclear. If the URI is faof:page why is this not the name of the property? Also, the TTL example is showing an error right now rather than a working example.
Recommended change(s): In general, make property names in the docs match their URI name to avoid confusion. Also, perhaps add some sort of CI check to make sure the docs compile w/o error.
Name: Daniel Feder
Affiliation: CivicActions
Type of issue: Schema
Issue: The naming and examples for the "documentation" property are unclear. If the URI is faof:page why is this not the name of the property? Also, the TTL example is showing an error right now rather than a working example.
Recommended change(s): In general, make property names in the docs match their URI name to avoid confusion. Also, perhaps add some sort of CI check to make sure the docs compile w/o error.