Creator Name: Joshua Linard
Creator Affiliation: Geospatial Information Officer, Department of Energy
The DCAT-US profile should supply the following metadata elements:
Geographic Bounding Box: spatial extent of dataset using minimum and maximum coordinates for latitude and longitude
Temporal Extent: specifies how much time a data is valid for
Spatial Representation type: method used to represent geographic information in the data set
Lineage: specifies an application’s source data, transformations, and input/out specifications
Data Quality: defined based on the assumption that there is geographic truth to compare with a dataset
Constraints: restrictions imposed on a model to maintain data integrity
Problem Statement
As DCAT-US is a metadata standard used for describing datasets on the web, it is more general, providing metadata elements that are applicable to any type of dataset such as title, description, keyword, publisher etc. The standards should more closely reflect ISO 19115, ISO 19139, and FDGC standards to be more specific to geospatial metadata standards
Target Audience / Stakeholders
The target audience are stakeholders of the DOE geospatial community.
Intended Uses / Use Cases
Provide a collaborative, structured, and empowered DOE geospatial community producing, using, and sharing quality, curated geospatial data to ensure advanced, innovative solutions in support of the nation's security, energy-independence, and environmental stewardship, with a consistent reference for engaging with stakeholders across the DOE and throughout the organizational hierarchy.
Creator Name: Joshua Linard Creator Affiliation: Geospatial Information Officer, Department of Energy
The DCAT-US profile should supply the following metadata elements:
Problem Statement
As DCAT-US is a metadata standard used for describing datasets on the web, it is more general, providing metadata elements that are applicable to any type of dataset such as title, description, keyword, publisher etc. The standards should more closely reflect ISO 19115, ISO 19139, and FDGC standards to be more specific to geospatial metadata standards
Target Audience / Stakeholders
The target audience are stakeholders of the DOE geospatial community.
Intended Uses / Use Cases
Provide a collaborative, structured, and empowered DOE geospatial community producing, using, and sharing quality, curated geospatial data to ensure advanced, innovative solutions in support of the nation's security, energy-independence, and environmental stewardship, with a consistent reference for engaging with stakeholders across the DOE and throughout the organizational hierarchy.
Existing Approaches - Optional
ISO 19115, ISO 19139
Additional context, comments, or links - Optional
Original Email Submission: DCAT-US-3-Requirements_June_27_2023.docx