DOI-DO / dcat-us

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - United States Profile Chief Data Officers Council & Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
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Crosswalk DCAT3-US with existing geospatial metadata standards #77

Open jsaligoe opened 1 year ago

jsaligoe commented 1 year ago

Creator Name: Jill Saligoe-Simmel Creator Affiliation: Esri


To support the FAIRness Project scope “aligning the schema with international standards, metadata for geospatial data and statistical data catalogs, and improving adoption by software vendors and open-source technologies”:

  1. Align updated DCAT3-US schema with existing geospatial metadata standards (e.g., FGDC CSDGM, ISO 19139/19115, and/or ISO 19115-3).
  2. Provide a crosswalk of the updated DCAT3-US schema metadata elements with the metadata elements of existing geospatial metadata standards (e.g., FGDC CSDGM, ISO 19139/19115, and ISO 19115-3).
  3. Do not require elements that must be hard coded into DCAT3-US record and/or catalog feed (i.e., all DCAT3 elements should have a corresponding geospatial metadata element).

Problem Statements

  1. Geospatial content providers are often required to provide geospatial metadata in accordance with open international standards (e.g., ISO 19115-3) in parallel with sharing data assets via DCAT metadata standard and catalog feeds.
  2. Existing crosswalks with geospatial metadata (FGDC CSDGM) and ISO 19115 have proven helpful. However, elements such as Bureau Code and Program Code must be hard-coded into the POD. This requires additional manual effort and leaves room for error.
  3. An existing crosswalk is not available for the more recent ISO 19115-1/-3 Metadata standard.

Target Audience / Stakeholders

Intended Uses / Use Cases

  1. Out-of-the-box geospatial metadata editor software tools support DCAT3-US without further customization, manual workflows requiring hard-coding values, or extension of existing geospatial metadata standards (e.g., FGDC CSDGM, ISO 19139/19115, and/or ISO 19115-3).
  2. Geospatial content providers are able to meet US-DCAT3 schema implementation and geospatial metadata standard requirements in parallel without redundancy or additional effort, leveraging existing metadata in the automatic generation of DCAT3-US catalog feeds.

Existing Approaches

Example / Feedback from real-world implementation: For ArcGIS users, ArcGIS Hub catalogs automatically generate DCAT feeds from the catalog's content (i.e., the item's metadata). However, the DCAT-US 1.1 implementation requires Bureau Codes and Program Codes that do not have a corresponding geospatial metadata element. Thus, it requires additional manual effort by the administrator to manually insert appropriate values into the DCAT feed (i.e., Insert value (hardcode)).

For DCAT3-US, if all elements have a corresponding geospatial metadata element, manual DACT configuration would no longer be needed, thus increasing likelihood of successful and conformant implementations and improved user experience.

Additional context, comments, or links - Optional

We volunteer to be part of the the community providing input during pre-release governance.

fellahst commented 5 months ago

Crosswalk have been posted in the repository at:

mrratcliffe commented 5 months ago
