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Iterate on renewables design from design studio #1897

Closed mcharg closed 2 years ago

mcharg commented 2 years ago

@mcharg to do a bar chart with renewables vs non-renewables.

@jkwonatx to explore what we can do with disbursements data and production data.

@cthomasONRR will do research on whether we can convert production numbers to lightbulbs.

mcharg commented 2 years ago

This is what it looks like with a stacked bar chart with renewables vs. non-renewables. You can barely see the renewables. image.png

mcharg commented 2 years ago

The percentages are mostly less than 1%, so they also wouldn't show up on a pie chart. image.png

mcharg commented 2 years ago

Here's an option that shows the tiny slice for renewables along with a breakout of geothermal and wind within that slice. image.png

mcharg commented 2 years ago

Spreadsheet with the numbers I used, in case anyone else wants to play with it.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

working on a Miro board to help organize ideas:

Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 11 52 43 AM

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

update: 12/23 -- I think this exercise is going somewhere. I put this together based on what I remember, so the next step I want to take is to refer to the design studio presentation to fill in blanks and check for any misunderstanding on my part.

all 1 2 3 4 5

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

I talked with Maroya about converting production numbers to lightbulbs. She would like to keep our first draft to have existing data only. If Kimbra wants something else, we can then add this concept to it.

I did some initial research, and found some very rough estimates for powering homes for a year. This seemed be be a better comparison than lightbulbs, because we are dealing with such large production numbers.

I can take some of these general conversions and try to apply them to units other than Kilowatt hours, but for right now Maroya would like me to hold off and focus on other work.


mcharg commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx Your mind map is a great way to visualize the problem.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

How we'd describe a successful fact sheet:

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

I saved the renewables disbursement data excel sheet here. I used the query data tool to create this excel, and it worked really well! Here are some image ideas. (All graphs are in the excel too.)

Geothermal 201-2021, and 2021 only: image My concern with the 2021 geothermal data is that there are recipients with negative values, which we will have to take space on the infographic to explain.

Wind 2017-2021, and 2021 only: image Wind disbursements are so dominated by U.S. Treasury that is doesn't make an interesting visual.

Combined Geothermal and Wind Disbursements, for 2021 only: image Showing recipient details in the bar chart leads to the same issues mentioned above. Maybe the way to go is this simple pie graph just showing the grand total for both geothermal and wind.

@mcharg @Maroyafaied @jkwonatx Let me know what yall think! Maroya, I know you requested no new visuals, so maybe this will be waiting for second draft if Kimbra asks for us to include disbursements?

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@cthomasONRR thanks for working on this, the negative numbers for Geothermal would raise questions and need to be explained. I still think we start with a prototype that doesn't involve new visuals and have the disbursement visuals in another prototype in case there's interest in it.

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

@Maroyafaied I agree. I think my last pie chart with just 2021 grand totals (no recipient breakdowns) is the way to go if we're asked to add disbursements.

mcharg commented 2 years ago

I agree, as well.

mcharg commented 2 years ago

We could also do a circle chart of the last option instead of a pie, if we want to use a chart style we already have.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Jae's Board - Renewable Fact Sheet ver1.pdf

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Besides the data viz options that made to the draft above, I've also considered the following: revenue trends, year to year and renewable vs non-renewable.

On the trends, the dramatic uptick seen in 2019 made the graph look erroneous (I may have missed the specifics on this during our previous discussions). If not for the uptick, the graph would show a trend that seems constant, with not much change to show. Either way, without understanding what the graph means, I didn't feel it a good data to showcase.

On the latter, the renewables accounted for a paltry quarter of a percentage of the total revenue, which rendered the visual almost meaningless.

We'd already discussed both points at the design studio, just thought I'd reiterate here to let you know that I've explored the options again.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Before the next interns meeting, I'll create a hi-fidelity sketch using Axure based on the feedback I received today at the interns meeting. Thank you all for your thoughts and feedback.

Jae's Board - Renewable Fact Sheet ver 2.pdf

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Axure version.

mcharg commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx I added comments on the Axure prototype.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Thank you! @mcharg I read the comments. I'll make changes this weekend.

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx I need to look at this but I have a concern with showing disbursement if values are negative.

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx this would be the FY21 disbursement data for Geothermal and Wind, I don't think we should display disbursement in this way because of the negative data. image.png Another idea is to display disbursement by state for just Geothermal or we don't do any disbursement data and just extend the revenue section and include revenue type tables you have on the right. @mcharg @cthomasONRR thoughts? image.png

mcharg commented 2 years ago

I like doing it by state. Is the line that's blank for state Indian?

mcharg commented 2 years ago

Or we could show that it's negative, so leadership can see it and realize why we don't want to show it.

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@mcharg I'm not sure what the blank value is indicating but it looks like the negative disbursement funds are associated with it. image

mcharg commented 2 years ago

@Maroyafaied I think it's all the disbursements to the federal government.

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

I think it's best to keep disbursement graphic as simple as possible. We will have a map for revenue and a ton data listed in tables for production. That's a ton of information. Maybe keeping disbursements simple will make the infographic more digestible? I feel like any way you try to subdivide disbursements, you run into issues with with negatives or blanks, and that leads to more questions than answers for the viewer.

Maybe this pie chart, converted to the circle graphics currently on the NRRD site (like Shannon initially suggested) is best:


Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx to summarize our discussion, we'll do 2 prototypes summarized below. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Thanks

1st Prototype: Revenue - shows updated map with 9 locations with a table displaying top 4 and content in the bottom. Disbursement - circle chart with table. Production-same

2nd Prototype: Revenue - shows updated map with 9 locations with a table listing all 9 locations without content. Disbursements - no disbursements. Production-same

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

I'll have time first thing tomorrow morning to pull updated datasets. I will link to them here once I have them compiled. Thanks!

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

@Maroyafaied @mcharg @jkwonatx

I pulled the most updated data from NRRD. I compiled the revenue, disbursement, and production data in a spreadsheet here

Here is an updated screengrab of Revenue FY 21 for Renewables: image

For revenue data, there is a bit of revenue in 'location not published' that won't appear on the map: image

For disbursements, I had just CY 2021 previously. I had to manually get Fiscal Year 2021 because our FY datasets don't include commodity. I did this by getting CY 2020 and CY 2021 monthly data by commodity in Query Data, and manually making the dataset include months in FY 21 only. Here are the true FY 21 Disbursement by commodity: image

For production, we only have FY 2020 right now. Here are those updated numbers: image On Query Data with the trendline: image

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

Also, I did a "circle packing" image for disbursements using


jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Options A and B @mcharg @cthomasONRR @Maroyafaied

mcharg commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx These look good. Can you put them on separate pages in the prototype without the comments, so we have them clean to review with leadership?

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx looks good, I put a couple of comments. Thanks

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx @Maroyafaied @mcharg I added in some comments to the wireframe. It looks great! I just had some minor nit-picky things about the data. Let me know if anyone has any questions. Thanks!

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

@cthomasONRR @Maroyafaied @mcharg I've made the update to the Renewables. Please note that there are two pages to review now.

jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

Version 6; made changes to Option A based on Christine's feedback.

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

Updated Disbursements FY 21 data. I found a better way to pull this data. This is WAY more accurate than what I did previously. Apologies- I'm still new to Query data and should not have used it for this. We can add a blurb about disbursements going to the U.S. Treasury and State & Local Governments.

@jkwonatx Don't worry about updating this for the prototype tomorrow. We will emphasize that the data isn't finalized.


jkwonatx commented 2 years ago

@mcharg @Maroyafaied I've made the update to Option A as we've discussed yesterday

@cthomasONRR if you have a moment, could you check the disbursements copy ("Total disbursements from all commodities for FY 2021 were $8,776,260,163. Geothermal and wind make up 0.24% of the total.") for accuracy? Feel free to comment either here or on the Axure Cloud, whichever is convenient for you. Thank you!

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10 52 58 AM

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx With my updated numbers, Geothermal and wind make up 0.26% of the total. Your total in the blurb is correct. The image I have in the comment above are the better disbursement values to use for geothermal and wind. The changes are minor, so don't worry about updating the numbers for today. We can reiterate to them that the numbers aren't finalized. Thanks so much for all your work on this!!!

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

@jkwonatx It looks great, I also ran the numbers and got the same as @cthomasONRR but I agree don't worry about making updates. image

Maroyafaied commented 2 years ago

The leadership team went with Option A and asked to include trend line for disbursements and add content comparing year over year. I will close this issue and create another to proceed working on this.