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Review Federal Resume for PMF #2177

Closed Baymatt closed 2 years ago

Baymatt commented 2 years ago

@Maroyafaied @lpgoldstein I've attached my resume for review. It is really my normal resume with a few changes (hours per week worked, etc.) to make it more "Federal". Matthew_Sao_Federal_Resume.pdf

cthomasONRR commented 2 years ago

@Baymatt Great resume! Attached is a version where I added some comments. I really hope you get a PMF spot, you deserve one!


lpgoldstein commented 2 years ago

Okay this process looks more like it did when I applied except that I think you get to take the online assessments no matter what. I agree with all of Christine's comments. Your resume looks great but it can be longer if you want to add anything else. You could add a brief personal statement up top or some keywords. You have such a strong skill set and I'm assuming that you test well so I think it's also fine with Christine's comments.

Here are the qualities that the assessment is testing Assessment Overview

The assessment process will consist of three distinct parts: (1) the Fellows Behavioral Assessment Tool (FBAT), (2) the Fellows Situational Assessment Tool (FSAT), and (3) the Fellows Structured Interview (FSI). The assessment process will be carried out in two stages: (1) the Online Assessment stage (which includes the FBAT and FSAT), and (2) the Semi-Finalist stage (which includes the FSI). Semi-Finalists will be determined based on eligibility, completeness of application, and results from the Online Assessment stage.

The assessment process is designed to measure the following competencies that are critical to success in the PMF role:

Attention to Detail: Is thorough when performing work and conscientious about attending to detail. Flexibility: Is open to change and new information; adapts behavior or work methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; effectively deals with ambiguity. Integrity/Honesty: Contributes to maintaining the integrity of the organization; displays high standards of ethical conduct and understands the impact of violating these standards on an organization, self, and others; is trustworthy. Interpersonal Skills: Shows understanding, friendliness, courtesy, tact, empathy, concern, and politeness to others; develops and maintains effective relationships with others; may include effectively dealing with individuals who are difficult, hostile, or distressed; relates well to people from varied backgrounds and different situations; is sensitive to cultural diversity, race, gender, disabilities, and other individual differences. Oral communication: Expresses information (for example, ideas or facts) to individuals or groups effectively, taking into account the audience and nature of the information (for example, technical, sensitive, controversial); makes clear and convincing oral presentations; listens to others, attends to nonverbal cues, and responds appropriately. Reasoning: Identifies rules, principles, or relationships that explain facts, data, or other information; analyzes information and makes correct inferences or draws accurate conclusions. Self-Management: Sets well-defined and realistic personal goals; displays a high level of initiative, effort, and commitment towards completing assignments in a timely manner; works with minimal supervision; is motivated to achieve; demonstrates responsible behavior. Supporting Diversity: Maintains an open mind regarding different ideas, opinions, values, and beliefs; recognizes own worldview and understands its influence on interactions with others; incorporates a variety of viewpoints to help accomplish work goals; contributes to an inclusive work environment with equal treatment of individuals across all demographics (e.g., race, gender), and social (e.g., culture) groups.

Baymatt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the resume advice and helpful PMF tips! I've already made some changes and will continue to refine my application and get all the necessary paperwork together.