DOI-ONRR / nrrd

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pull keywords from BLM and EIA if possible - at least look at tags for relevant/corresponding datasets #3489

Closed lpgoldstein closed 1 day ago

lpgoldstein commented 1 week ago

{"@type": "dcat:Dataset", "accessLevel": "public", "bureauCode": ["019:20"], "contactPoint": {"@type": "vcard:Contact", "fn": "William Jeffers", "hasEmail": ""}, "dataQuality": true, "description": "Annual data on the number and production volumes of oil and natural gas wells by state. Annual time series extend back to 1919.", "distribution": [{"@type": "dcat:Distribution", "downloadURL": "", "mediaType": "text/html", "title": "Distribution and Production of Oil and Gas Wells by State"}], "identifier": "DOE-019-5418154829", "keyword": ["energy", "gas condensate wells", "natural gas well production", "natural gas wells", "oil well production", "oil wells"], "landingPage": "", "language": ["en-US"], "license": "", "modified": "2011-01-07", "programCode": ["019:022"], "publisher": {"@type": "org:Organization", "name": "U.S. Energy Information Administration"}, "references": [""], "spatial": "United States", "temporal": "2009-01-01/2009-12-31", "theme": ["energy"], "title": "Annual Distribution and Production of Oil and Gas Wells by State From 1919-Latest Year Available"}