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Incorporate date in Press Release collection download links to resolve link title ambiguity #3220

Closed cthomasONRR closed 1 month ago

cthomasONRR commented 1 month ago

In the press release collection (current and archived), the links to download the press release document are all the same and run into accessibility issues due to ambiguous link titles:


None of the press release documents have clean titles in the CMS, and there is no way for me to modify links within the collection function:

image.png image.png

I think the easiest way to resolve ambiguity would be to incorporate the publication date into the download link. Instead of just "View press release document" this could be reprogramed to say "View March 29, 2024 press release document"

greensomes commented 1 month ago

@cthomasONRR, I did some research and found some additional options we have to resolve this accessibility violation type. Rather than adding the date to the link, we can either provide an aria-label to differentiate each link, or provide additional context within the link text that is only available to screen readers and is hidden visually. Both options achieve the same result of providing additional context for screen readers while also retaining the clean visuals of the simple link text. What do you think?

cthomasONRR commented 1 month ago

@greensomes Thanks for doing this research! Could we incorporate the dates within the link text that is only available to screen readers (and hidden visually)? I think the dates are the only thing standardized in this collection... the file names and CMS doc names are a mess.

greensomes commented 1 month ago

@cthomasONRR, you got it!!

The markup looks like this:

<a data-v-0b237596="" href="http://localhost:8055/press-releases/Fiscal Year 2024 GOMESA Disbursements Press Release.pdf" target="_blank" class="onrr-link-pdf">
  View press release document <span data-v-0b237596="" class="usa-sr-only"> dated Friday, March 29, 2024</span>