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Compilation error on a cray computer #135

Open almacarolina opened 1 year ago

almacarolina commented 1 year ago

Dear John,

I am trying to compile COAWST on an NOAA HPC (Gaea) which uses a Cray ftn compiler. I have been able to compile ROMS successfully in the NOAA HPC but not COAWST, probably because I am loading improper modules or not properly configuring my coawst.bash. I would appreciate any advice in debugging these compilation errors since it has been hard to get advice from the system administration regarding COAWST and WRF and I have little experience with compilers. I attach a wrf.log file that shows my compilation errors. This i the first error I get: "Linux gaea12 4.12.14-197.99-default #1 SMP Thu Jul 15 13:52:56 UTC 2021 (a15b9f6) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Not sure how to figure out the version of this compiler: ftn"

Thanks Alma wrf.log

jcwarner-usgs commented 1 year ago

looks like the WRF compiler option is using some flags that your compiler does not know about. Fortran compiler for the model source code: which FC which: invalid option -- 'h' which: invalid option -- 'n' which: invalid option -- 'o' which: invalid option -- 'o' which: invalid option -- 'm' which: invalid option -- 'p'

this is -h no omp (no openmp). suggest you look in WRF/arch/configure.defaults and look for noomp this only appears once. change DM_FC = ftn $(NOOMP) to DM_FC = ftn

and do a coawst.bash and see if that error goes away

almacarolina commented 1 year ago

Hi John, That worked and I was able to compile WRF using a Cray machine (not sure if there will be a problem letter just by commenting that compiler flag). Now, as expected, I was not able to compile WPS with grib2. This is the error I get: /opt/cray/pe/cce/9.1.1/binutils/x86_64/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -ljasper^M /opt/cray/pe/cce/9.1.1/binutils/x86_64/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lpng^M make[1]: [Makefile:19: ungrib.exe] Error 1 (ignored)^M

I already set my JASPERLIB and JASPERINC environmental variables so not really sure what other things I can check to debug this error. I attach my full compile wps log file here.

compile.log Thanks

jcwarner-usgs commented 1 year ago

not sure. that is another environment issue. what do you get for $JASPERLIB and for $JASPERINC

almacarolina commented 1 year ago

I had set these environmental variables before compiling WRF and WPS to the following. echo $JASPERLIB /usr/lib64 echo $JASPERINC /usr/include I set those variables because the sys admin told me the libraries are there.

jcwarner-usgs commented 1 year ago

yes, but go to the command prompt and type


and see what it returns. then do an ls for that directory and see if the libs are really there. same for $JASPERINC

almacarolina commented 1 year ago

So when I do $JASPERLIB I have this directory /usr/lib64/ and when I do $JASPERINC I have this directory /usr/include/

These are the jasper libraries in these directories /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

/usr/include/jasper /usr/include/jasper/jas_cm.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_config.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_debug.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_dll.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_fix.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_getopt.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_icc.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_image.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_init.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_malloc.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_math.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_seq.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_stream.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_string.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_tmr.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_tvp.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_types.h /usr/include/jasper/jas_version.h /usr/include/jasper/jasper.h /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/jasper.pc

jcwarner-usgs commented 1 year ago

maybe you need to use JASPERINC=/usr/include/jasper ??

almacarolina commented 1 year ago

Yes, I have tried that too, and got the same error. I just emailed the system admin to see if they can help. Thanks