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WW3 is not communicating with WRF in the coupled mode #144

Open GengXia-NREL opened 1 year ago

GengXia-NREL commented 1 year ago

Hi There

I have compiled and run a coupled WRF-WW3 simulation (both WRF and WW3 has 1 grid). However, based on the output, it doesn't seem like the Wave model is sending data to the WRF model (see below) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WRF grid 1 sent data to WAVE grid 1

== WW3 grid 1 recv data from WRF grid 1 WRFtoWW3 Min/Max U10 (ms-1): -2.034669E+02 1.028153E+02 WRFtoWW3 Min/Max V10 (ms-1): -3.523811E+02 3.565320E+02

WRF grid 1 recv data from WAVE grid 1

== WW3 grid 1 sent data to WRF grid 1 WAVtoWRF Min/Max HSIGN (m): 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 WAVtoWRF Min/Max WLENP (m): 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 WAVtoWRF Min/Max RTP (m): 0.000000E+00 6.283186E+03 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As you can see, the wave model does received U10 and V10 from WRF. However, nothing is received by WRF from WW3. My WW3 grid resolution 0.06 degree (401184) and WRF is 10km (324183). And the domain plot is attached. image

Any suggestions on whatever the reason might be? Best regards Geng Xia

jcwarner-usgs commented 1 year ago

not sure but: WRFtoWW3 Min/Max U10 (ms-1): -2.034669E+02 1.028153E+02 WRFtoWW3 Min/Max V10 (ms-1): -3.523811E+02 3.565320E+02 are some extreme winds !! 200 m/s ? maybe ww3 could not handle that. can you check your WRF simulation first? -j