Open SPLahiri opened 1 year ago
I think that would be a good place to perturb the fluxes, but you need to be careful with the tiling and the physics. DO j=JstrR,JendR DO i=IstrR,IendR ..... IF ( (( .and.( && (( .and.( ) then rain(i,j)=rain(i,j)*10.0_r8 END IF something like that? -j
Thanks. Prof. Warner, for your quick reply, as usual. Yes, I intend to do this. However ,
I am confused about where to change these values in the atm2ocn_flux.F, especially for radiation fluxes. For rain and wind stress, I can understand by looking at the script where these changes would be. For example, if I want to change for rainfall, then the corresponding lines would be something like this,
cff=1.0_r8/rhow DO j=JstrR,JendR DO i=IstrR,IendR stflux(i,j,itemp)=(srflx(i,j)+lrflx(i,j)+ & & lhflx(i,j)+shflx(i,j))
IF ( (( .and.( && (( .and.( ) THEN
. However, I need some help with the change in radiation values.
maybe a better place would be in Master/mct_roms_wrf.h , sections like:
! Receive fields from atmosphere model. 40 FORMAT (a36,1x,2(1pe14.6)) ! ! Short wave radiation (from W/m^2 to Celsius m/s) ! CALL AttrVect_exportRAttr (AttrVect_G(ng)%atm2ocn_AV, "GSW", & & A, Asize) range(1)= Large range(2)=-Large fac=1.0_r8/(rho0Cp) ij=0 DO j=JstrR,JendR DO i=IstrR,IendR ij=ij+1 cff=A(ij) IF (ia.eq.1) THEN FORCES(ng)%srflx(i,j)=cfffac ELSE FORCES(ng)%srflx(i,j)=FORCES(ng)%srflx(i,j)+cff*fac END IF
this is called for each grid (ia) and you could modify the fields here, depending on which grid it is. At this location, all the data has been interpolated to the ROMS grid. It is being added up from each wrf grid. So the i - j 's are in roms world.
Hello everyone. I have configured the COAWST model (WRF + ROMS) over the Arabian Sea and would like to conduct sensitivity experiments. For example, I want to perturb the fluxes from WRF to ROMS over a small region while keeping the other places the same as it is. I was looking at the atm2ocn_flux.F file and wondering where to change it. It will be very helpful if someone can help me with this. Thank you in advance.