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installing coawst3.8 #243

Closed wjlyx closed 2 months ago

wjlyx commented 2 months ago

When I run, I encounter a problem and the process stops at this point. Could it be related to the library path? image

My netcdf path is "/usr/lib"



git $Id$

svn $Id: 1151 2023-02-09 03:08:53Z arango $


Copyright (c) 2002-2023 The ROMS/TOMS Group :::

Licensed under a MIT/X style license :::

See License_ROMS.txt :::

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hernan G. Arango :::

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: John C. Warner :::


ROMS Compiling Script :::

Modified to configure the COAWST Modeling System :::


Script to compile an user application where the application-specific :::

files are kept separate from the ROMS source code. :::


Q: How/why does this script work? :::


A: The ROMS makefile configures user-defined options with a set of :::

flags such as ROMS_APPLICATION. Browse the makefile to see these. :::

If an option in the makefile uses the syntax ?= in setting the :::

default, this means that make will check whether an environment :::

variable by that name is set in the shell that calls make. If so :::

the environment variable value overrides the default (and the :::

user need not maintain separate makefiles, or frequently edit :::

the makefile, to run separate applications). :::


Usage: :::


./ [options] :::


Options: :::


-j [N] Compile in parallel using N CPUs :::

omit argument for all available CPUs :::

-p macro Prints any Makefile macro value. For example, :::

build.bash -p FFLAGS :::

-noclean Do not clean already compiled roms objects :::

-nocleanwrf Do not clean already compiled wrf objects :::

-nocleanww3 Do not clean already compiled ww3 objects :::


Notice that sometimes the parallel compilation fail to find MPI :::

include file "mpif.h". :::




Top area here is to set flags from calling this routine. Do not change.

# parallel=0 clean=1 dprint=0 cleanwrf=1 cleanwrfhydro=1 cleanww3=1 cleanswan=1

export MY_CPP_FLAGS=

while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case "$1" in -j ) shift parallel=1 test=echo $1 | grep '^[0-9]\+$' if [ "$test" != "" ]; then NCPUS="-j $1" shift else NCPUS="-j" fi ;;

-p )

-noclean )

-nocleanwrf )

-nocleanwrfhydro )

-nocleanww3 )

-nocleanswan )

* )
  echo ""
  echo "$0 : Unknown option [ $1 ]"
  echo ""
  echo "Available Options:"
  echo ""
  echo "-j [N]      Compile in parallel using N CPUs"
  echo "              omit argument for all avaliable CPUs"
  echo "-p macro    Prints any Makefile macro value"
  echo "              For example:  build.bash -p FFLAGS"
  echo "-noclean       Do not clean already compiled objects"
  echo "-nocleanwrf    Do not clean already compiled wrf objects"
  echo "-nocleanwrfhydro Do not clean already compiled wrf objects"
  echo "-nocleanww3    Do not clean already compiled ww3 objects"
  echo ""
  exit 1

esac done ############################################################################

Start of USER definitions area:


Set the CPP option defining the particular application. This will

determine the name of the ".h" header file with the application

CPP definitions. Also this will activate the switch file for WW3.


Set the ROMS_APPLICATION to be the same as the COAWST_APP.

Do not change this. We use the COAWST APP for other checks.


Set a local environmental variable to define the path to the directories

where all this project's files are kept.

export MY_ROOT_DIR=/home/lyx/COAWST export MY_PROJECT_DIR=${MY_ROOT_DIR}

The path to the user's local current ROMS source code.


If using svn locally, this would be the user's Working Copy Path (WCPATH).

Note that one advantage of maintaining your source code locally with svn

is that when working simultaneously on multiple machines (e.g. a local

workstation, a local cluster and a remote supercomputer) you can checkout

the latest release and always get an up-to-date customized source on each

machine. This script is designed to more easily allow for differing paths

to the code and inputs on differing machines.



WRF : Needs to have the env variable NETCDF set.


# ############################################################################

Wave Watch 3: Here we provide 5 environment variables for WW3.


1) COAWST_WW3_DIR is a pointer to root WW3 code, do not change.


2) WW3_SWITCH_FILE is like cpp options for WW3. You need to create it and

provide the full path and file name here.

export WW3_SWITCH_FILE=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Projects/Inlet_test/WW3/switch_inlet_test

export WW3_SWITCH_FILE=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Projects/Sandy/WW3/switch_sandy ############################################################################

Set path of the directory containing makefile configuration (*.mk) files.

The user has the option to specify a customized version of these files

in a different directory than the one distributed with the source code,

${MY_ROMS_SRC}/Compilers. If this is the case, you need to keep these

configurations files up-to-date.

export COMPILERS=${MY_ROMS_SRC}/Compilers


Set tunable CPP options.



Sometimes it is desirable to activate one or more CPP options to run

different variants of the same application without modifying its header

file. If this is the case, specify each options here using the -D syntax.

Notice also that you need to use shell's quoting syntax to enclose the

definition. Both single or double quotes work. For example,





can be used to write time-averaged fields. Notice that you can have as

many definitions as you want by appending values.



Compiler options.



Other user defined environmental variables. See the ROMS makefile for

details on other options the user might want to set here. Be sure to

leave the switches meant to be off set to an empty string or commented

out. Any string value (including off) will evaluate to TRUE in

conditional if-statements.

export USE_MPI=on # distributed-memory parallelism export USE_MPIF90=on # compile with mpif90 script

export which_MPI=intel # compile with mpiifort library

export which_MPI=mpich # compile with MPICH library

export which_MPI=mpich2 # compile with MPICH2 library

export which_MPI=mvapich2 # compile with MVAPICH2 library

export which_MPI=openmpi # compile with OpenMPI library

export USE_OpenMP=on # shared-memory parallelism

export FORT=ifort

export FORT=gfortran

export FORT=pgi

export USE_DEBUG= # use Fortran debugging flags export USE_LARGE=on # activate 64-bit compilation


Building the ROMS executable using the shared library is not recommended

because it requires keeping track of the matching libROMS.{so|dylib}

which is located in the Build_roms or Build_romsG directory and will be

lost and/or replaced with each new build. The option to build the shared

version of libROMS was introduced for use in model coupling systems.


export SHARED=on # build libROMS.{so|dylib}

export STATIC=on # build libROMS.a

export EXEC=on # build roms{G|M|O|S} executable

ROMS I/O choices and combinations. A more complete description of the

available options can be found in the wiki (

Most users will want to enable at least USE_NETCDF4 because that will

instruct the ROMS build system to use nf-config to determine the

necessary libraries and paths to link into the ROMS executable.

export USE_NETCDF4=on # compile with NetCDF-4 library

export USE_PARALLEL_IO=on # Parallel I/O with NetCDF-4/HDF5

export USE_PIO=on # Parallel I/O with PIO library

export USE_SCORPIO=on # Parallel I/O with SCORPIO library

If any of the coupling component use the HDF5 Fortran API for primary

I/O, we need to compile the main driver with the HDF5 library.

export USE_HDF5=on # compile with HDF5 library


If coupling Earth System Models (ESM), set the location of the ESM

component libraries and modules. The strategy is to compile and link

each ESM component separately first, and then ROMS since it is driving

the coupled system. Only the ESM components activated are considered

and the rest are ignored. Some components like WRF cannot be built

in a directory specified by the user but in its own root directory,

and cannot be moved when debugging with tools like TotalView.


export WRF_SRC_DIR=${HOME}/ocean/repository/WRF


if [ -n "${USE_DEBUG:+1}" ]; then export CICE_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_ciceG export COAMPS_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_coampsG export REGCM_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_regcmG export WAM_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_wamG

export WRF_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_wrfG

export WRF_LIB_DIR=${WRF_SRC_DIR} else export CICE_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_cice export COAMPS_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_coamps export REGCM_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_regcm export WAM_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_wam

export WRF_LIB_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_wrf

export WRF_LIB_DIR=${WRF_SRC_DIR} fi


If applicable, use my specified library paths.


export USE_MY_LIBS=no # use system default library paths

export USE_MY_LIBS=yes # use my customized library paths


if [ "${USE_MY_LIBS}" == "yes" ]; then source ${MY_PATHS} ${MY_PATHS} fi


Header and other source directories selections.


The rest of this script sets the path to the users header file and

analytical source files, if any. See the templates in User/Functionals.


If applicable, use the MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR directory to place your

customized biology model header file (like fennel.h, nemuro.h, ecosim.h,


export MY_HEADER_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Projects/Sandy export MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Projects/Sandy

Put the binary to execute in the following directory.


export BINDIR=./

Put the f90 files in a project specific Build directory to avoid conflict

with other projects.

if [ -n "${USE_DEBUG:+1}" ]; then

export SCRATCH_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_romsG

export SCRATCH_DIR=./Build_romsG else

export SCRATCH_DIR=${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Build_roms

export SCRATCH_DIR=./Build_roms fi

Go to the users source directory to compile. The options set above will

pick up the application-specific code from the appropriate place.


End of USER definitions area. You really should not change anything

down here.

# cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC}

Stop if activating both MPI and OpenMP at the same time.

if [ -n "${USE_MPI:+1}" ] && [ -n "${USE_OpenMP:+1}" ]; then echo "You cannot activate USE_MPI and USE_OpenMP at the same time!" exit 1 fi




Remove build directory.

if [ $clean -eq 1 ]; then make clean fi

Compile (the binary will go to BINDIR set above).

export WRF_DIR=${MY_ROMS_SRC}/WRF export WRFHYDRO_DIR=${MY_ROMS_SRC}/WRF/hydro_v5.0

first go to make some coupler files

if [ $clean -eq 1 ] && [ $cleanwrf -eq 1 ] && [ $cleanwrfhydro -eq 1 ] && [ $cleanww3 -eq 1 ] && [ $cleanswan -eq 1 ]; then make mct_params fi cd ${SCRATCH_DIR} export MCT_PARAMS_DIR=${PWD} cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC}

if [ $cleanwrf -eq 1 ]; then make wrfclean cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC} fi make wrf

if [ $cleanwrfhydro -eq 1 ]; then make wrfhydroclean cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC} fi make wrfhydro

if [ $cleanww3 -eq 1 ]; then make ww3clean cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC} fi make ww3

if [ $cleanswan -eq 1 ]; then make swanclean cd ${MY_ROMS_SRC} fi make swan

if [ $dprint -eq 1 ]; then make $debug else if [ $parallel -eq 1 ]; then make $NCPUS else make fi fi

wjlyx commented 2 months ago

I have resolved the issue. When using apt-get to install netcdf-dev, the file is not included (or perhaps I installed it incorrectly). It is recommended to use the source code for installation instead.