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About ROMStoWRF SST #274

Open bwendu opened 6 days ago

bwendu commented 6 days ago

Hi, I'm using the coupling of wrf and roms in COAWST for my case, but the obtained sst is somewhat low. I'm confused by two points as follows. I want to know if the SST given by ROMS to WRF is the value of the top layer of ROMS or if the sst is the first layer's temp interpolated to the sea surface before giving it to WRF (because in my case, the water depth of the first layer of ROMS cannot be approximated as the surface layer in the oceanic region). In addition, the SST has a clear shape at the boundary of the ROMS grid because the SST outside the ROMS grid comes from wrflowinp. Is there any concatenation smoothing operation on the boundary in COAWST? If so, could you indicate the specific code location. Looking forward to receiving any helpful reply or suggestions!

jcwarner-usgs commented 6 days ago

1) the SST from ROMS to WRF is just the top layer in ROMS. we dont do any interpolation in space or time.

Master/mct_roms_wrf.h ! ! Sea surface temperature (degC) ! ij=0 DO j=JstrR,JendR DO i=IstrR,IendR ij=ij+1 A(ij)=OCEAN(ng)%t(i,j,N(ng),nstp(ng),itemp) <------------------N(ng) is the top layer END DO END DO CALL AttrVect_importRAttr (AttrVect_G(ng)%ocn2atm_AV, "SST", A, & & Asize)

2) I dont have any smoothing options to merge the WRF SST and the ROMS SST. IF you wanted to try something, that would be in WRF/frame/atm_coupler.F CALL AttrVect_exportRAttr (AttrVect_O(ia,io)%ocn2atm_AV, & & "SST", AA, Asize) range(1)= Large range(2)=-Large ij=0 DO j=js,je DO i=is,ie ij=ij+1 cff=(AA(ij)+273.15)Amask(ij) grid%sst(i,j)=cff+grid%sst(i,j)(1.0-Amask(ij)) range(1)=MIN(range(1),cff) range(2)=MAX(range(2),cff) END DO END DO

that is where we add the wrf + roms sst. the Amask=1 were roms is, and Amask =0 where roms is not. this allows distinction to only replace WRF sst with roms data where ever roms is.

maybe the edges of this amask could be feathered? 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 ... ?

bwendu commented 6 days ago

prof John, really thanks for your timely reply, i got that!