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Insufficient memory on the server when coupling WRFs #306

Closed hgengqi closed 2 weeks ago

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

I've recently been trying to couple WRF into SWAN and ROMS, and I have no problem running WRF on its own, and running SWAN coupled to ROMS on its own, but it always prompts for a memory error when the three modes are coupled. This is a problem that should not exist on the server, so the only possible problem is in my setup, but I don't know exactly how to troubleshoot the problem, is it defining the .h file for coawstM? Or the WRF namelist.input file? Or the file that couples the three modes? All these three files and the runtime log file are below, I hope someone can help me, thank you very much for your help! haiou.h.txt namelist.input.txt

jcwarner-usgs commented 2 weeks ago

i dont see the run time log. for your cluster, you may need a command like

SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4096

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

@hgengqi Are you using VPN when trying to couple?

no,i just run it on super computer

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

i dont see the run time log. for your cluster, you may need a command like #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4096

log.txt sorry i forgot this, here is my log file

jcwarner-usgs commented 2 weeks ago

I am not sure why your application ended. Did you get any Err* files?

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

I am not sure why your application ended. Did you get any Err* files?

yes,but all the error files are empty files

jcwarner-usgs commented 2 weeks ago

if you have an Err* file, then there is something wrong in the SWAN setup (INPUT file).

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

if you have an Err* file, then there is something wrong in the SWAN setup (INPUT file).

There's a possibility, so I'll try it right away. Thank you, and I'll keep you updated with the results.

hgengqi commented 2 weeks ago

if you have an Err* file, then there is something wrong in the SWAN setup (INPUT file).

There's a possibility, so I'll try it right away. Thank you, and I'll keep you updated with the results.

Yes, I found that the problem is that I didn't set the absolute path but set it to a relative path during the run, and the swan didn't find part of the file

jcwarner-usgs commented 2 weeks ago

good.! i will close the ticket now. thanks.