Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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Documentation and Testing for Jan 24, 2012 release #1097

Closed ascbot closed 5 years ago

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides)

Original Assignee: Stuart Sides

The following applications are to have their documentation and tests reviewed for the Jan 2011 release of ISIS 3. Additional tests will be generated and included in ISIS when appropriate and other tests will be created from real world processed datasets.

All commits must be done by 11:30PM Jan 19.

NOTE: Tammy is the keeper of the Glossary until Jan 13. She will turn it into Travis every Friday.

photomet (JB, LW, RK) photemplate (JB, ,RK) shadowtau (JB, )

cam2cam (JA, TB, ) cam2map (DC, LW, ) campt (SS, TB, ) mappt (SS, TB, ) camrange (JW, EL, ) caminfo (EH, TB, BS, ) camstats (EH, TB, BS, ) camtrim (JaiR, EL, ) maptrim (JaiR, EL, ) fplanemap (KB, MM, ) skymap (KB, ,LK, ) map2cam (DC, LW, ) map2map (DC, LW, ) nocam2map (TS, AH, ) vims2map (TS, ,LS, ) ? Is this obsolete ? mapgrid (SL, CI, ) grid (SL, CI, ) maptemplate (SL, EL, ) maplab (TA, TH, AH, ) mapsize (TA, CI, ) mosrange (KB, LW, )

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Laszlo Kestay (Laszlo Kestay) Original Date: 2011-11-23T18:23:45Z

I would like to volunteer for mapgrid, maptemplate, and nocam2map - along with skymap. Laz

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2012-04-19T20:53:43Z

This is a continuing task under Carto D1-c, so it will come up for each new release.