Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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qmos - Increase Map File functionality - viewing/editing loaded map file #1461

Closed ascbot closed 5 years ago

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright)

Original Assignee: Steven Lambright

Please update qmos to do the following:

Allow viewing the contents of the loaded Map File Allow editing of the loaded map file (even the defaulted equi map file). This is more important after learning that that system map templates will not work in qmos. It's important for a user to be reminded what lat/lon or clat/clon value, latitude system, being used to define what is being drawn (for footprints and grid).

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-08T18:54:40Z

This is available for testing at: /work/projects/isis/latest/m01034/isis

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-08T19:02:27Z

IMPACT This should only affect qmos.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-08-08T19:54:44Z

1) at initial qmos run; if user selects 'view/edit map file' w/o a cube loaded (which will load the equi default); steven will modify the 'error' to be more helpful than indicate a problem.

2)Important dcoumentation on the behavior of save....apply will remove what is not necessary and save writes out only what is in the display (unnecessary included-if displayed)

3) add 'load' to the 'view/edit/ map file'

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-08T20:15:13Z

I've tried to address these issues, could you take another look?

Thank you!

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-08-09T01:28:06Z

All the changes from today make it more informative of what is going on.

I think this increased functionality to the map template file is great.

I did have one revelation when I simply went to load in the map file that was already 'very' prepared: With this new functionality, it now takes 4 mouse clicks (I counted the 1 dbl-click to select filename as 1 mouse click) to load it; where as the 'old' way took one click to load and dbl-click to select filename.

It will be interesting to hear what other users might think....

could, maybe, a separate initial load button at the top and then a separate view/edit? It'd be similar to how qnet loads the autoreg def file??....

Not sure now whether to close this or not until other's have tried this...I will recruit some users....

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Lynn Weller (Lynn Weller) Original Date: 2012-08-09T17:52:50Z

I don't have any major objections to these changes. It is nice to see the map file contents, but as Tammy pointed out, there's more clicking involved with this set up. I definitely prefer the current production version where I can quickly click and load one of my own map files. I'm sure you considered this, but would it be to difficult to have a button for loading (like before), and another for viewing/editing? Maybe something similar to the deffile in qnet. Know what I mean? It's not going to kill me to live with this new setup, but it would be nice to minimize the clicks (I usually have map files all set to go and I'm not sure I would bother to edit them in qmos, but simply load up another with slightly different info).

On another note, it seems the new load/edit functionality really dislikes the system map files. I tried to load sinusoidal and it complained about a number of things, for instance that lack of certain keywords - LongitudeDomain, then when I added that other things like radius, etc. Actually, now that I look at it again, it's loading all of the comment section at the top of the sinusoidal map file, but none of the commented out keywords under the MappingGroup. Why is that? It would be nice to see the commented out keywords so that they can be un-commented and used. And it seems qmos requires certain keywords, but I don't know which (maybe this should be added to the documentation?). In fact, the help section covering map files might need to be updated because as far as I can tell, this new setup isn't happy with any of the system map files. But the production version doesn't either.

Well, I probably gave you more than you wanted to think about. Sorry.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-10T18:04:05Z

I am making a 'quick load' option that will only require 1 extra click (total).

When the quick load fails, it'll leave you in the view/edit dialog so you can see why cleanly and be able to edit your map.

Lynn, Our Pvl infrastructure doesn't remember comments immediately above (and therefore associated with) an 'EndGroup.' This is the case in our map file templates... so it's something that has existed for a long time, but (yet again) qmos is bringing it to light. This is why it's not seeing the optional keywords. As far as what keywords qmos requires, this is another underlying problem in Isis... qmos has no clue what it needs for any given projection, it has to try, fail, and give a user the error because it cannot understand them. The system map files aren't complete enough for qmos and never have been...

Try it out now, tell me what you think of the new quick load option and please let me know if you find any other issues.

Thank you

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Lynn Weller (Lynn Weller) Original Date: 2012-08-10T18:08:45Z

I like the quick load function. Any chance that can be the default/first choice in the drop down menu? Sorry I'm a pain.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-10T18:35:43Z

I am opting for the new-user friendly default option at the cost of one mouse click over the original implementation. Please keep in mind that this mouse click would exist had the option been inside of a menu (like the file menu) and only happens once per run of qmos. I understand it's an extra mouse click.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Elpitha Howington-Kraus (Elpitha Howington-Kraus) Original Date: 2012-08-10T20:10:45Z

As per Tammy's email, I just tested this version of qmos. Main comment: COOL.

I got a little confused when I chose the View/Edit option and tried to convert the default Equirectantular projection to PolarStereographic. When I first began typing my desired projection name, I started getting Error Messages and thought I couldn't convert the projection on-the-fly. Once I figured out that if I kept typing the Error would go away, I was happy. I liked the errors flagging inconsistent keyword values (ie, clon=0 for polarstereographic).

So a user friendly suggestion you can take or leave: Have the user make the edits and then click a "validate" button that would then issue errors if a keyword value is wrong. Or have the Apply button issue the errors if the template file has an obvious error?

Thanks, Annie

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Lynn Weller (Lynn Weller) Original Date: 2012-08-11T00:29:59Z

Steven, I don't completely understand your response, but after reading it again, I think you're rejecting my request to make the quick load the default. Is that right? And if so, why? Mouse clicks definitely count, and adding an extra click is an issue when an interactive application is used multiple times a day. Since many of us have pre-made map files, it makes a lot of sense to be able to quickly load those as a default and not have to go through multiple clicks to get there. I think the new ability to view and edit map files is great and will be very useful, but it shouldn't be at the expense of a function that already works just fine.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-13T16:41:54Z


Thank you for the feedback. I am unsure of which method would be better and will consult with a few others to get some feedback.


Please give me a day or two to resolve this issue. I disagree with changing the default, so I'm making an alternative change that will give you the best of both worlds (removing that extra click still). If you dislike it when I'm done, I'm more than happy to revisit this issue, but I think you'll be okay with it.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-08-13T17:47:34Z

1) I second Annie's feedback on the edit behavior. It is simply awkward that the error messages and validation happens as the user types. Related to the editing, Steven and I discussed modifying the system map templates a bit that will ease the editing if they are selected from qmos...I will test cam2map-auto and nocam2map with the template changes to ensure these apps result in the same output.

2) The separate load button on the tool bar is a great compromise and will hopefully, somewhat, recover the previous functionality of conveniently loading a prepared map template.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-08-13T20:42:51Z


I've made changes to get rid of the extra click. Please tell me what you think.

As far as validation inside of the dialog goes, I've made some improvements there. It's far less intrusive with an option to see the errors still. I'm not saying my changes are what you asked for -- I'm providing these changes for specific feedback still (and if you still prefer your original request as far as validation goes, I'll do it no problem).

It's currently implemented (and common practice) to disable Ok/Apply when the input is invalid -- but you need an indicator as to what's wrong. I changed the long error messages to just the one-line statement of validity to emphasize whether your input is Ok without risking resizes/large GUI changes while typing. This is just meant to re-enforce the enabled state of the Ok/Apply buttons and supply useful hints (ie load a map file). Please keep in mind that validation via a dialog means opening and closing the dialog for every error (which can be a lot if you're trying to switch from projection A to projection B).

So now I'd like feedback on the following: 1) The bolded (hint?) text under the mapping information - currently it can say please load, invalid, valid (in sentence form). I can reduce this to just the please load message when nothing is typed in or anything else you'd like...

Please look at how the validation behaves now, and let me know preferences as to which of these possibilities of showing errors you would prefer: 1) How it is now - check box + label text. 2) Checkbox (optional?) + moving the error messages into a text edit (like the projection settings are) -- this would prevent changes to the error messages resizing things in your dialog, but may obscure the error message. 3) Button + dialog -- Show Errors becomes a button that tells you what's wrong, you must click 'Ok' to get out of the dialog before fixing the mapping information (you may or may not see your input and your error simultaneously - unless you want the map information repeated in the dialog). 4) Ok/Apply always enabled + show errors like (3) when clicked

As a side note, this has become a non-trivial task (which is why I chose to work on it to begin with) and may have to be put off for a while because other priorities are coming up. I'll do what I can.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Lynn Weller (Lynn Weller) Original Date: 2012-08-13T23:03:56Z

The changes are better. I'm not sure the lightening bolt icon for the quick load is intuitive (I didn't really get a chance to determine that since I was given a hint), but user's are likely to hover over it (like I did) and get the tool tip that makes it clear. Thank you for preserving the original functionality of that feature. I also like that the map viewer/editor tells you if your file is valid or not and you can keep the errors from overwhelming the dialog by choosing not to view them.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-10-01T22:21:01Z

I'm setting this ticket to feedback until I have updated all of qmos' internal documentation. I already have the new documentation (Tammy wrote it).

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-12-14T01:35:30Z

Set Triage to match parent ticket

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-12-21T18:02:05Z

"Q2Tiny" task; estimate to wrap this up is way less than 20 hours.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-12-21T18:09:52Z

I'm beginning work on this again. I expect to have a new version for testing by COB today.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2012-12-21T19:44:59Z

This is once again available for testing.

To test the changes, please set isis to: /work/projects/isis/latest/m01034/isis

Thank you

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2012-12-21T20:54:16Z

I've looked it over and it looks fine. I've asked Ella Mae to review the documentation also.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2012-12-21T21:20:56Z

The text under "Help" "qmos Help" is very small and hard to read. Is there a way to print whats under "qmos Help"?

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2012-12-21T21:34:03Z

Under "Settings", what does "Safe File Open" do?
Under what circumstances would you want to reduce the number for "Set Thread Limit"? The defauft is "use all available," looks like the maximum is 24.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2012-12-21T21:55:53Z

The documentation for the ISIS web page needs to be updated. The second sentence is repeated twice. The program description should probably say something like "Display and analyze cube footprints and control networks."

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2013-01-04T02:05:20Z

I am getting this error on astrovm2:

qmos: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /work/projects/isis/latest/m01034/isis/bin/../lib/

Ella Mae

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2013-01-04T16:08:40Z

Try again around 10AM - I'm updating/rebuilding this test version now.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2013-01-08T16:43:34Z

Here are suggestion changes: Under Preparing Input Cubes

This enables qmos to give you the emission angle, incidence angle, phase angle, and resolution in the File List

Under footprintinit

Running footprintinit beforehand will significantly speed up loading images into qmos.

The footprint polygon is created by â??walkingâ?? around the valid image data, and qmos â??reprojectsâ?? the footprint according to the loaded map file.

Qmos displays the footprints, and optionally the image data and map grid to the default IAU radius, unless the radius is specified within the loaded map file.

Under File List

The mosaic file list is designed to help organize your files within the qmos project.

Under Mosaic Scene, Under Context Menus

Typical menu actions are changing which cubes are displayed on top of other cubes, and the color of a footprint polygon.

under Projects

The contents of qmos can be saved as a project file, which allows the user to restore back to the previous state at any given time. The stored files for qmos project files have â??.mosâ? extension.

These project files store the input file location information and their qmos properties (color, group information, and other attributes).

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Steven Lambright (Steven Lambright) Original Date: 2013-01-08T18:38:19Z


Your suggestions: The text under "Help" "qmos Help" is very small and hard to read. Is there a way to print whats under "qmos Help"?

The documentation for the ISIS web page needs to be updated. The second sentence is repeated twice. The program description should probably say something like "Display and analyze cube footprints and control networks."

Under Preparing Input Cubes

This enables qmos to give you the emission angle, incidence angle, phase angle, and resolution in the File List

Under footprintinit

Running footprintinit beforehand will significantly speed up loading images into qmos.

The footprint polygon is created by â??walkingâ?? around the valid image data, and qmos â??reprojectsâ?? the footprint according to the loaded map file.

Qmos displays the footprints, and optionally the image data and map grid to the default IAU radius, unless the radius is specified within the loaded map file.

Under File List

The mosaic file list is designed to help organize your files within the qmos project.

Under Mosaic Scene, Under Context Menus

Typical menu actions are changing which cubes are displayed on top of other cubes, and the color of a footprint polygon.

under Projects

The contents of qmos can be saved as a project file, which allows the user to restore back to the previous state at any given time. The stored files for qmos project files have â??.mosâ? extension.

These project files store the input file location information and their qmos properties (color, group information, and other attributes).

are all good suggestions, however can you make them into a separate mantis ticket? None of these suggestions are directly related to the feature being implemented in this ticket. I will talk to Tracie/Tammy about time/if we can or want to implement these changes during this quarter or re-triage.

Under "Settings", what does "Safe File Open" do? This has a What's this help. If you are still confused, please come by and I'll try to explain in person.

Under what circumstances would you want to reduce the number for "Set Thread Limit"? The defauft is "use all available," looks like the maximum is 24. This is a loaded question. If you don't know what threads are, or when you'd want to configure it and why/how, I highly recommend just leaving it be. The most direct answer is: you want the number of threads to be set such that qmos most effectively uses all of the available resources; you could want to increase or decrease depending on your hardware and software (this includes main memory, CPU caches, CPU cores, file access time/throughput, OS, etc). Use all available uses # cores + 1 (not limited to 24 despite that being the user-configuration limitation in the interface).

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2013-01-08T19:13:04Z


Ella's recommended changes to this specific new feature documentation are related to this ticket.

The other suggestions such as 1) size of font, 2) external web page change, 3) possible improved documentation for Settings-SafeFileOpen and 4) Set Thread Limit seem to warrant separate tickets.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Ella (Contractor) Lee (Ella (Contractor) Lee) Original Date: 2013-01-10T16:43:51Z


My post were strictly questions I had while looking at qmos documentation. I am not requesting any additional features. The font size is because I had a hard time reading the help with the font being very small. I did not know you could use the "What's this" help for the "Safe File Open" option under settings. I thought is was only used for the icons. I think some information like the response you wrote for the "Set Thread Limit" as a "What's this" help would be helpful. If the items need to be reported as a separate post I could do that.

Ella Mae