Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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Incompatible SPICE data with latest ISIS software version #2300

Closed ascbot closed 5 years ago

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox)

Original Assignee: Robert Sucharski

No previous errors running SPICE before on LROC EDRNAC lev1.echo.cub images the update but since then I have been receiving the following error message:

ERROR The SPICE server returned incompatible SPICE data. ERROR Unable to initialize camera model from group [Instrument]. PROGRAMMER ERROR Unable to create a shape model from given target and pvl. I/O ERROR Invalid shape model file [$base/dems/ldem_128ppd_Mar2011_clon180_radius_pad.cub] in Kernels group. ERROR The given shape model file is not a valid ISIS DEM. Unable to open as an ISIS cube. I/O ERROR Unable to open [/usr/local/isis3/data/base/dems/ldem_128ppd_Mar2011_clon180_radius_pad.cub]. ERROR The given shape model file is not a valid NAIF DSK file. Unable to construct a NAIF DSK shape model. USER ERROR NAIF DSK file [$base/dems/ldem_128ppd_Mar2011_clon180_radius_pad.cub] does not exist.

We've tried using the both the "Attach" and "Web" options with no results. We've also tried re-downloading all of the images to make sure that was not the source of the error. Any suggestions? Thanks!

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Tammy Becker (Tammy Becker) Original Date: 2016-11-28T16:58:55Z

Software version is most likely ISIS3 current release? not ISIS 2.3.5?

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox) Original Date: 2016-11-28T20:10:02Z

Yes, ISIS 3

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2016-11-29T17:22:11Z


Please post the complete command line that caused the error, and attach the output of the following command:

catlab from=Your_LRO_Image.cub

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox) Original Date: 2016-12-03T15:57:58Z


The command we used was spiceinit. From: image.cub Web: Use the ISIS Spice Web Service Used default for everything else

The output of the catlab command was:

Object = IsisCube
  Object = Core
    StartByte   = 65537
    Format      = Tile
    TileSamples = 422
    TileLines   = 512

    Group = Dimensions
      Samples = 5064
      Lines   = 52224
      Bands   = 1

    Group = Pixels
      Type       = Real
      ByteOrder  = Lsb
      Base       = 0.0
      Multiplier = 1.0

  Group = Instrument
    SpacecraftName              = "LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER"
    InstrumentHostName          = "LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER"
    InstrumentHostId            = LRO
                                   CAMERA LEFT"
    InstrumentId                = NACL
    FrameId                     = LEFT
    TargetName                  = MOON
    MissionPhaseName            = COMMISSIONING
    PrerollTime                 = 2009-08-24T20:54:48.843
    StartTime                   = 2009-08-24T20:54:49.980
    StopTime                    = 2009-08-24T20:55:47.979
    SpacecraftClockPrerollCount = 1/272840088:54394
    SpacecraftClockStartCount   = 1/272840089:63387
    SpacecraftClockStopCount    = 1/272840147:63300
    LineExposureDuration        = 1.105600 <ms>
    TemperatureSCS              = 4.53 <degC>
    TemperatureFPA              = 19.01 <degC>
    TemperatureFPGA             = -11.23 <degC>
    TemperatureTelescope        = 13.67 <degC>
    SpatialSumming              = 1
    SampleFirstPixel            = 0
    TemperatureSCSRaw           = 2739
    TemperatureFPARaw           = 2054
    TemperatureFPGARaw          = 3381
    TemperatureTelescopeRaw     = 2307

  Group = Archive
    DataSetId               = LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0
    OriginalProductId       = nacl000078f1
    ProductId               = M105786556LE
    ProducerId              = LRO_LROC_TEAM
    ProducerInstitutionName = "ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY"
    ProductVersionId        = v1.8
    UploadId                = SC_2009236_1805_B_V01.txt
    OrbitNumber             = 739
    RationaleDescription    = "TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY"
    DataQualityId           = 0
    LineExposureCode        = 90
    DACResetLevel           = 198
    ChannelAOffset          = 40
    ChannelBOffset          = 104
    CompandCode             = 0
    LineCode                = 51
    BTerms                  = (0, 8, 25, 59, 128)
    MTerms                  = (0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125)
    XTerms                  = (0, 32, 136, 543, 2207)
    CompressionFlag         = 1
    Mode                    = 7

  Group = BandBin
    FilterName = BroadBand
    Center     = 600 <nm>
    Width      = 300 <nm>

  Group = Kernels
    NaifFrameCode             = -85600
    LeapSecond                = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls
    TargetAttitudeShape       = ($base/kernels/pck/pck00009.tpc,
    TargetPosition            = (Table,
    InstrumentPointing        = (Table,
    Instrument                = $lro/kernels/ik/lro_lroc_v18.ti
    SpacecraftClock           = $lro/kernels/sclk/lro_clkcor_2016307_v00.tsc
    InstrumentPosition        = (Table,
    InstrumentAddendum        = $lro/kernels/iak/lro_instrumentAddendum_v04.ti
    ShapeModel                = $base/dems/ldem_128ppd_Mar2011_clon180_radius-
    InstrumentPositionQuality = Reconstructed
    InstrumentPointingQuality = Reconstructed
    CameraVersion             = 2

  Group = Radiometry
    DarkColumns               = (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
                                 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
                                 34, 35, 5046, 5047, 5048, 5049, 5050, 5051,
                                 5052, 5053, 5054, 5055, 5056, 5057, 5058,
                                 5059, 5060, 5061)
    DarkFile                  = /usr/local/isis3/data/lro/calibration/NACL_Av-
    NonlinearOffset           = /usr/local/isis3/data/lro/calibration/NACL_Li-
    LinearizationCoefficients = /usr/local/isis3/data/lro/calibration/NACL_Li-
    FlatFile                  = /usr/local/isis3/data/lro/calibration/NACL_Fl-
    RadiometricType           = IOF
    ResponsivityValue         = 15869.0
    SolarDistance             = 1.0095600294276

Object = Label
  Bytes = 65536

Object = Table
  Name                = InstrumentPointing
  StartByte           = 1057921373
  Bytes               = 23104
  Records             = 361
  ByteOrder           = Lsb
  TimeDependentFrames = (-85600, -85000, 1)
  CkTableStartTime    = 304419356.16284
  CkTableEndTime      = 304419414.16152
  CkTableOriginalSize = 52225
  FrameTypeCode       = 3
  Description         = "Created by spiceinit"
  Kernels             = ($lro/kernels/ck/lrolc_2009212_2009244_v04.bc,

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q0
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q1
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q2
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q3
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV1
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV2
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV3
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = ET
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

Object = Table
  Name                 = InstrumentPosition
  StartByte            = 1057944477
  Bytes                = 1120
  Records              = 20
  ByteOrder            = Lsb
  CacheType            = HermiteSpline
  SpkTableStartTime    = 304419356.16284
  SpkTableEndTime      = 304419414.16152
  SpkTableOriginalSize = 52225.0
  Description          = "Created by spiceinit"
  Kernels              = $lro/kernels/spk/fdf29r_2009213_2009244_v50.bsp

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000X
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Y
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Z
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000XV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000YV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000ZV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = ET
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

Object = Table
  Name                = BodyRotation
  StartByte           = 1057945597
  Bytes               = 128
  Records             = 2
  ByteOrder           = Lsb
  TimeDependentFrames = (31006, 1)
  ConstantFrames      = (31001, 31007, 31006)
  ConstantRotation    = (0.99999987325471, -3.29285422375571e-04,
                         3.80869618671387e-04, 3.29286000210947e-04,
                         0.99999994578431, -1.45444093783627e-06,
                         -3.80869119096078e-04, 1.57985578682691e-06,
  CkTableStartTime    = 304419356.16284
  CkTableEndTime      = 304419414.16152
  CkTableOriginalSize = 2
  FrameTypeCode       = 6
  Description         = "Created by spiceinit"
  Kernels             = ($lro/kernels/tspk/moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.bpc,
  SolarLongitude      = 213.65301773706

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q0
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q1
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q2
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Q3
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV1
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV2
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = AV3
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = ET
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

Object = Table
  Name                 = SunPosition
  StartByte            = 1057945725
  Bytes                = 112
  Records              = 2
  ByteOrder            = Lsb
  CacheType            = Linear
  SpkTableStartTime    = 304419356.16284
  SpkTableEndTime      = 304419414.16152
  SpkTableOriginalSize = 2.0
  Description          = "Created by spiceinit"
  Kernels              = ($lro/kernels/tspk/moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.bpc,

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000X
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Y
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000Z
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000XV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000YV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = J2000ZV
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

  Group = Field
    Name = ET
    Type = Double
    Size = 1

Object = History
  Name      = IsisCube
  StartByte = 1057919294
  Bytes     = 2079

Object = OriginalLabel
  Name      = IsisCube
  StartByte = 1057914881
  Bytes     = 4413

Object = NaifKeywords
  BODY301_RADII                           = (1737.4, 1737.4, 1737.4)
  BODY_FRAME_CODE                         = 31001
  INS-85600_LT_SURFACE_CORRECT            = TRUE
  INS-85600_FOCAL_LENGTH                  = 699.62
  INS-85600_PIXEL_PITCH                   = 0.007
  INS-85600_CONSTANT_TIME_OFFSET          = 0.0
  INS-85600_ADDITIONAL_PREROLL            = 1024.0
  INS-85600_ADDITIVE_LINE_ERROR           = 0.0
  INS-85600_MULTIPLI_LINE_ERROR           = 0.0045
  CLOCK_ET_-85_1/272840088:54394_COMPUTED = 7a8e061b1225b241
  INS-85600_TRANSX                        = (0.0, 0.0, 0.007)
  INS-85600_TRANSY                        = (0.0, 0.007, 0.0)
  INS-85600_ITRANSS                       = (0.0, 0.0, 142.857)
  INS-85600_ITRANSL                       = (0.0, 142.857, 0.0)
  INS-85600_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE              = 2548.0
  INS-85600_BORESIGHT_LINE                = 0.0
  INS-85600_OD_K                          = 1.81e-05

Thanks! Quinn

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2016-12-14T16:30:11Z

Thanks for getting back with the information. We've been looking into the problem and have found that some new security rules are getting in the way of the SPICE service. We will be working to resolve this and let you know as soon as we can.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2016-12-23T15:51:42Z

Quinn, After following the instructions #4552-5 to get around the spice server security issue, I was able to spiceinit your cube. Please give this a try and let us know how it goes.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2017-01-24T17:05:39Z

No responce, issue [[Life_Cycle_of_an_ISIS_Issue|rejected]]

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox) Original Date: 2017-02-07T00:23:58Z

Sorry for the very delayed response, I was on winter break. Changing the port value had no effect and spiceinit is still not working. It was recommended that the URL was changed in the spiceinit command line but the recommended change was the same as the default. We do not have the most updated version of ISIS, is that the problem?

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2017-02-07T16:46:49Z


Since you have not upgraded to 3.5.0, you need to change to the URL is from "http::" to "https::" and the port number has to be changed as well. Some people have had success, others have not. Please let us know if it works for you. We'll look into it as soon as you let us know.


ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox) Original Date: 2017-02-14T01:10:54Z

No luck with changing it to https:, what was the port number again?

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2017-04-05T20:58:27Z

This currently looks like an LRO problem, but not sure. The SPICE server is now working for all supported missions.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Stuart Sides (@scsides) Original Date: 2017-04-05T23:25:49Z

Quinn Fox 5, The error you are getting looks to be caused by not having the DEM(s) for the Moon available on your system. From the error message you are getting, spiceinit is looking at:


If you set the shape model to a DEM (Web=Yes or No), the file must exist locally on your system. Only the SPICE kernel data is returned from the spice server, not the DEM data.

The DEM data is in the "base" area for ISIS data.

Please let us know the status of this, so we can continue working with you or close the ticket.

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Quinn Fox (Quinn Fox) Original Date: 2017-04-12T22:21:04Z

Our server was just updated to have the latest version of ISIS and now we are getting a new message that we don't understand (see attached picture). Does this have anything to do with DEM?

ascbot commented 5 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Robert Sucharski (Robert Sucharski) Original Date: 2017-06-05T22:23:16Z

Ran ingest and spiceinit successfully on vm4 with ISIS version isis3.5.0

spiceinit command: spiceinit from=M105786556LE.cub