Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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lronac2isis Errors #3256

Closed MarissaLoBot closed 5 years ago

MarissaLoBot commented 5 years ago

ISIS version(s) affected: 3.6.0

I'm trying to produce DEMs of various volcanic images from LRO NAC images. To do this, I've been trying to use the following guide:

Does anyone know how why this error message has occurred and any ways that it can be overcome? Thanks in advance.

How to reproduce

I have downloaded several images of the Gruithuisen domes from PILOT in EDR format. I have used image M1106087898RE. When using the command "lronac2isis", I received the following error messages:

I/O ERROR The PDS header is missing important keyword(s). ERROR Unable to read [DATA_SET_ID] from input file [/home/m26977ml/Documents/Image Analysis/03-21-2019 Gruithuisen-R/M1106087898RE_final.img].

Possible Solution

Additional context

jlaura commented 5 years ago

@MarissaLoBot I have updated your issue using the bug template. Can you please update with the version of ISIS3 that you are using, and the exact command that you are using. We can then reproduce exactly as you are executing the command. Thanks!

lwellerastro commented 5 years ago

@MarissaLoBot I was not able to reproduce your error under isis3.7.0 (using the command below) with either the file downloaded from PILOT or pulled from our local PDS repository (/pds_san/PDS_Archive/Lunar_Reconnaissance_Orbiter/LROC/EDR/LROLRC_0013/DATA/EXT/2012302/NAC//M1106087898RE.IMG).

lronac2isis from=M1106087898RE.IMG to=M1106087898RE.cub

Both files contained the DATA_SET_ID your error message mentioned, so I might start there and make sure the file downloaded properly and has that keyword. If your label looks complete I'd guess you maybe have an incomplete data area for lro and something lronac2isis is looking for is missing. I'll defer to a developer on helping you with data area downloads if you are not sure on its completeness.

MarissaLoBot commented 5 years ago

@jlaura I believe the version of ISIS I'm using is 3.6, then the command I was using was lronac2isis. @lwellerastro How can I check the DATA_SET_ID for files that I have downloaded please? I am completely new to Linux and ISIS so I am unsure of how to do this. Thanks both!

lwellerastro commented 5 years ago

@MarissaLoBot You can use the unix command "more" (or less) on the contents of the .IMG file and look for DATA_SET_ID to start:

more M1106087898RE.IMG

That particular keyword is near the top. The ISIS3 program getkey will also work:

getkey from=M1106087898RE.IMG keyword=DATA_SET_ID LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0

jessemapel commented 5 years ago

@MarissaLoBot In addition to @lwellerastro's comments, you can run head -n 20 M1106087898RE.IMG to get the top 30 lines of the file. It should be in there.

This is what I get when I run it on a local copy I downloaded that I can ingest successfully with ISIS3.7.2

igswzawglt1183:Downloads jmapel$ head -n 20 M1106087898RE.IMG
PDS_VERSION_ID                     = PDS3

RECORD_TYPE                        = FIXED_LENGTH
RECORD_BYTES                       = 5064
FILE_RECORDS                       = 52225
LABEL_RECORDS                      = 1
^IMAGE                             = 2

DATA_SET_ID                        = "LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0"
ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID                = nacr000b3dc6
PRODUCT_ID                         = M1106087898RE
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID                 = LRO
INSTRUMENT_ID                      = LROC
LRO:PREROLL_TIME                   = 2012-10-28T18:23:50.190
jlaura commented 5 years ago

@MarissaLoBot I am going to close this issue as it does not appear to be a bug with the software. Please feel free to reopen if you start to encounter any bugs.

We also run a discussion forum at where we are more than happy to answer any and all questions about using our software. You can use your GitHub login to login there, so no need for any additional accounts or anything.

Again, please reopen (or open a new issue) if you encounter any bugs or have feature enhancements that you would like to see.