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Spiceinit error in processing Chandrayaan-1 Mini-SAR data #3967

Closed sriramsaran closed 4 years ago

sriramsaran commented 4 years ago

ISIS version(s) affected: 4.1.1

Hi all, I am trying to process a level-1 Chandayaan-1 Mini-SAR (aka Forerunner) data and got this error while running SPICEINIT. Here is the description: File name : fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.lbl .img mrf2isis from=fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.lbl to= fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.cub spiceinit from=fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.cub prompt error: No Camera Kernel found for the image.

Then I tried using SPICE Web Service, got a similar response : mrf2isis from=fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.lbl to= fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.cub spiceinit from=fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.cub web=yes prompt error: “The Spice Server was unable to initialize the cube. The error reported was: No Camera Kernel found for the image”

I have downloaded the mission data prior to doing this (using: rsync -azv --delete --partial .)

Are some of those mission kernels updated and/or do I need to download any other kernels for running spiceinit here?

Thanks in advance !

jessemapel commented 4 years ago

If you want to run spiceinit locally, you will need to download the entire Chandrayaam data area. That said, the web server should work for you. Can you post the label for the ingested cube?

sriramsaran commented 4 years ago

Hi, attched the label for the cube here, thanks. label_from_mrf2isis.txt

jessemapel commented 4 years ago

This image was captured on February 27th and the ISIS Chandrayaan CKs only go up to February 14th and then skip to April. I assume this is because the PDS archive for M3 does that. I'm not sure where the kernels came from originally. @scsides I know you've been involved in some of this, any insight as to where the rest of the kernels could be? Do we even need a CK for MiniRF, I would assume not?

scsides commented 4 years ago

As Jesse wrote, the sensor model for MiniRF doesn't actually require a CK. It is "spiceinit" that is requiring the CK. The model does not use the CK in any way. I'm not sure if this will work, but try this using your local (i.e., not using the web service) data area: Run spiceinit and add the parameter: CK=$Chandrayaan1/kernels/ckM3G20081118T222604_V03_L1B_nadir-jig_2016-04-29.bc The CK here is just to satisfy spiceinit, and doesn't really matter which one you pick. Please let us know if this works for you.

BerginJay commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! I have the same problem here. I tried @scsides your method but sadly it seems not work. I'm now using ISIS 4.2.0 and I have downloaded isis base data and chandrayaan1 data (including kernels) via rsync. After adding CK parameter, command line window prompt:

spiceinit from=/Volumes/Earth/MiniSAR/cube/fsb_01918_1cd_xhu_88s110_v1.cub ck=/usr/local/anaconda3/envs/isis/data/chandrayaan1/kernels/ck/M3G20090415T222023_V03_L1B_nadir-jig_2016-04-29.bc
Group = Kernels
  NaifFrameCode             = -86001
  LeapSecond                = $base/kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls
  TargetAttitudeShape       = ($base/kernels/pck/pck00009.tpc,
  TargetPosition            = ($Chandrayaan1/kernels/tspk/moon_pa_de421_1900--
                               2050.bpc, $Chandrayaan1/kernels/tspk/de421.bsp)
  InstrumentPointing        = /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/isis/data/chandrayaan-
  Instrument                = Null
  SpacecraftClock           = Null
  InstrumentPosition        = Null
  InstrumentAddendum        = $chandrayaan1/kernels/iak/mrffrAddendum002.ti
  ShapeModel                = $base/dems/ldem_128ppd_Mar2011_clon180_radius_p-
  InstrumentPositionQuality = Unknown
  InstrumentPointingQuality = Unknown
  CameraVersion             = 1
  Error                     = "No instrument position available"
**ERROR** Unable to initialize camera model.

and these wouldn't be attached to cube file, while simply runing spiceinit locally without CK would only prompt No Camera Kernel found for the image. like Saran said. I assume this is understandable because we did not use the proper camera kernel (CK). So routines like cam2map are still not available.

I tried to process images before Feb. and after Apr., like file fsb_01918_1cd_xhu_88s110_v1.cub, which is captured on 2009-04-15, and use corresponding ck files M3G20090415T222023_V03_L1B_nadir-jig_2016-04-29.bc, M3G20090415T202222_V03_L1B_nadir-jig_2016-04-29.bc. Still, Unable to initialize camera model.

So, I'm still confused. Do we need some extra CKs to process MiniSAR data or how to avoid this?

Thank you!

jessemapel commented 4 years ago

@BerginJay It looks like there's no spacecraft ephemerides in the data area for Chandrayaan-1 between february 15th and April 14th. @scsides Any thoughts on where we would even find this? I looked around a little bit, but all I found was the kernels that we already have.

kberryUSGS commented 4 years ago

Hi @sriramsaran and @BerginJay,

It looks like ISIS was indeed missing spacecraft ephemerides (an SPK kernel) for the time associated with the image in this issue. A new SPK kernel has now been added to the ISIS data area which should fix this problem. Please update your data area using the following:

rsync -azv --delete --partial .

Additionally, since the Mini-SAR data doesn't require a CK for calculations, you can run spiceinit with cknadir=true to assume a nadir-pointing spacecraft and avoid needing to supply a specific, but unused ck.

After updating your data area, could you try re-running spiceinit as below and let us know if that works?

spiceinit from=fsb_01339_1cd_xiu_88s311_v1.cub cknadir=true
BerginJay commented 4 years ago

@kberryUSGS Thank you! I tested a lot of images, and so far so good. Thanks everyone!

kberryUSGS commented 4 years ago

@BerginJay Glad to hear it's working!

jessemapel commented 4 years ago

I am closing this off as it seems to be resolved. @BerginJay If you find any issues please post and re-open.