Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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Unable to add SPICE data to Galileo cube files #5495

Open bensonyee88 opened 2 months ago

bensonyee88 commented 2 months ago

ISIS version(s) affected: x.y.z

Hello! We're facing issues with adding SPICE data to our Galileo cube files using the spiceinit function. I have pasted the error message below. Would really appreciate any help!

How to reproduce
Last login: Sun May 5 22:53:24 on ttys000 (base) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % conda activate isis (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % qimage zsh: command not found: qimage (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % ls .cub 7401r.cub 7452r.cub 8700r.cub 8726r.cub (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % qview 8700r.cub ^C (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit from=8700r.cub attach=yes ERROR No existing files found with a numerical version matching [kernels.????.db] in [/Applications/anaconda3/envs/isis/data/base/kernels/lsk]. (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit from=8700r.cub web=yes ERROR The server sent an unrecognized response. (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % ls .cub 7401r.cub 7452r.cub 8700r.cub 8726r.cub (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit from=8726r.cub web=yes ERROR The server sent an unrecognized response. (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % gllssi2isis from=8700r.lbl to=8700r_v2.cub (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit from=8700r_v2.cub web=true ERROR The server sent an unrecognized response. (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ % spiceinit from=8700r_v2.cub attach=true ERROR No existing files found with a numerical version matching [kernels.????.db] in [/Applications/anaconda3/envs/isis/data/base/kernels/lsk]. (isis) benson@dhcp-vl2041-18708 ~ %

AustinSanders commented 2 months ago

Hey @bensonyee88 , we'll have to track down the cause of the "unrecognized response error" to resolve the web spice issue.

In the meantime, have you downloaded the base area alongside the galileo data? From your discussion post, it looks like you already ran downloadIsisData galileo $ISISDATA, but you'll also need to grab the base kernels with downloadIsisData base $ISISDATA.