Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers v3. ISIS3 is a digital image processing software package to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA and International planetary missions.
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std2isis function error #5529

Open pmcvann opened 3 weeks ago

pmcvann commented 3 weeks ago

ISIS version(s) affected: 8.0.3

I am trying to use the std2isis function to convert a .tif file into a .cub file so I can then map project it, but the error code I receive is

"TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Sum of Photometric type-related color channels and ExtraSamples doesn't match SamplesPerPixel. Defining non-color channels as ExtraSamples.. [filename].tif: Sorry, can not handle images with 32-bit samples."

It is a .tif file containing the Yamaguchi Matrix which I have processed using MIDAS, from Chandrayaan-2 data. I know that explicitly CH2 data is not included in the Isis software yet, but if I am just trying to convert a .tif for usage, shouldn't this work?

How to reproduce
std2isis to open gui, then filling in req inputs.

dpmayerUSGS commented 2 weeks ago

std2isis is an old program that was originally developed as a companion to isis2std, the latter of which was really meant to produce figures in “standard” formats like JPEG. std2isis allows bringing such images back into ISIS format so that they can be processed using generic image manipulation tools. As such, std2isis can't handle 32-bit floating point images.

For scientific data, the most appropriate way to convert to ISIS cube format is to use GDAL and a tool such as gdal_translate. If the data are already map projected and you would like to transform into a different projection, you can use gdalwarp. GDAL is one of the dependencies of MIDAS, so you may have access to these tools already.

Unfortunately, ISIS does not have a camera model for the DFSAR, so there is no way to project DFSAR data using the ISIS program cam2map. I know there were plans to add a map projection/orthorectification model to MIDAS, but I don't know the status of that work.