DOI-USGS / OWDI-Lower-Colorado-Drought-Vis

Lower Colorado Drought Visualization
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blue dragon tex tbox #324

Closed mwernimont closed 9 years ago

mwernimont commented 9 years ago

@jiwalker-usgs I tried to get a text box on the right hand side of the dragon on bigger screens, the problem was depending on the size the text either looked to far away, or on smaller sizes it ended up overlapping the dragon, either do to the dragon zooming in function or just overlapping it in general.

I chose a underneath approach instead, its less code and with the dragon desized a little bit I think it works. If you want it on the right hand side for sure though, I'm sure media queries will have a solution until mobile size comes about.

Also if the dragon being smaller on desktop some how screws up what you were doing with the map I can easily change that back as well.

jiwalker-usgs commented 9 years ago

I think that should be fine, the biggest issue will be the text being too small to read in the blue dragon. But I think we should be good with a slightly smaller section there.

jordansread commented 9 years ago

let's not forget to add text here: image
