DOI-USGS / OWDI-Lower-Colorado-Drought-Vis

Lower Colorado Drought Visualization
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October treeringdata plot updates #497

Closed aappling-usgs closed 8 years ago

aappling-usgs commented 8 years ago

@eread-usgs, @jiwalker-usgs - I believe I've finished everything on my to-do list for the tree ring interactive plot. some notes:

  1. I was unable to figure out how to separate the data into its own file. It still lives in treeringdata\index.html for now. This was not on my to-do list but was something Jordan didn't like when we looked at this file together. I tried.
  2. The dygraphs and/or htmlwidgets package added new versions of js/dygraphs-binding-xxx/dygraphs.js and js/htmlwidgets-xxx/htmlwidgets.js (now 0.4.5 and 0.5, respectively). I didn't delete the older versions in case some other part of the website needs them, but if you know they're not needed elsewhere, it's fine for treeringdata if you delete them (the older ones).
  3. Except for the section TreeRingDataLegend, the edits to public_html/css/main.css are all because of merge conflicts. I think/hope that the changes all represent changes that someone else made recently that I merged in...but it wouldn't hurt for you to skim that file to make sure it looks as you expect.
  4. I made some notes and crossed things off in the Google doc. To reiterate:
    • DONE: Change the 15-year average to 10 year: re-calculate the data and update the label
    • DONE: Enlarge Legend font size and change to sans serif. legend is now sans sarif. not sure if it’s larger font, but should be consistent with rest of site now (uses same css)
    • DONE: Separate values from the legend so it is clearer. values still appear in legend but legend is now on its own at the bottom, one value per line - this should help w/ clarity
    • DONE: Label green line “Long-Term Average”
    • DONE: Label “Year” Year is already labeled - maybe the reviewer wanted Year both above and below the slider. But I don’t think this is a dygraphs option, so not doing this. Instead, hoping the new caption text will help.
    • DONE: Label “Tree-Ring Reconstructed Annual Natural Flow”
    • DONE: Label “Historical Annual Natural Flow”
    • DONE: Explain shading behind tree ring data - “Shaded area represents the range of uncertainty.”
    • DONE: Remove yellow line from chart. removed what was the yellow line. made the formerly green line yellow instead because of reviewers' readability concerns about the green
    • DONE: Update y-axis: “Flow Volume (million acre-feet)”