DOI-USGS / OWDI-Lower-Colorado-Drought-Vis

Lower Colorado Drought Visualization
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Simplify geoms in mead-scenes animated svg #607

Closed jordansread closed 8 years ago

jordansread commented 8 years ago

currently this file is ~0.5MB, which seems too big. We aren't compressing it either, which may be another issue. I would like to get it down to ~200KB by simplifying geoms more. This is tricky, because too much simplification makes certain features disappear.

@jiwalker-usgs thoughts on the priority of this? I wonder if it is causing trouble w/ mobile on load (my droid crashes when loading this svg in the app).

jordansread commented 8 years ago

mexico flag is also ~200KB, which is used in the background. This would be a lot smaller I think if used as a png instead.

jordansread commented 8 years ago

A simplified version of wat_acc_cont.geojson would be a great starting point.

jordansread commented 8 years ago

This needs to be a priority before Monday

jordansread commented 8 years ago

starting point for mobile is 512KB

jordansread commented 8 years ago

400KB of that is in the contracts, which are the only features that aren't simplified.

jordansread commented 8 years ago


The contracts w/o simplification

jordansread commented 8 years ago

Should be fixed w/ #622