DOI-USGS / dataRetrieval

This R package is designed to obtain USGS or EPA water quality sample data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services.
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Accessing Flood Categories via dataRetrieval #646

Closed fjones2222 closed 1 year ago

fjones2222 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to access flood benchmarks/categories from the dataRetrieval package? To be clear, I am referring to section 1 from the link below.

I would have thought that the following code would provide information on the different levels from defining different flood categories for each site.

siteINFO <- readNWISsite("50138000")
ldecicco-USGS commented 1 year ago

The data for the next-gen monitoring location pages is coming from:

The underlying data for that service comes from "AHPS":

AHPS are currently talking about updating their services here:

In the meantime, you could do this:

sites <- c("50138000", "05407000")

get_flood_stage <- function(sites){
  base_url <- ""  
  df_all <- data.frame()
  for(i in sites){ #the service can only take 1 site at a time
    full_url <- paste0(base_url, i)    
    list_return <- jsonlite::fromJSON(full_url)    
    df_all <- rbind(df_all, list_return[["sites"]])

flood_info <- get_flood_stage(sites)

I'm unclear if the waterwatch services are something we can count on long-term, but it currently is the best/easiest way to get flood information from a USGS site ID. Once the AHPS and waterwatch services are updated, we can re-visit if dataRetrieval could hit them directly.

fjones2222 commented 1 year ago

@ldecicco-USGS thank you so much for this as well as making a great package! worked like a charm!