DOI-USGS / fort-pymdwizard

The MetadataWizard is a useful tool designed to facilitate FGDC metadata creation for spatial and non-spatial data sets. It is a cross-platform desktop application built using an open-source Python architecture.
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Fields in wizard undefined #159

Closed wthogmartin closed 1 year ago

wthogmartin commented 2 years ago

For a metadata wizard seeking to ensure understanding of and correct use of data, this tool lacks sufficient explanation. There is, as best as I can tell, no Help for, say, the Data Quality tab nor is there a definition of what is required under, say, the Currentness Reference.

dignizio-usgs commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback. Full documentation of the FGDC-CSDGM standard is likely out of scope for the tool, especially since documentation of the standard exists elsewhere for metadata authors and data managers to reference.

Full click-through FGDC-CSDGM documentation can be viewed here:

Currentness Reference element can be viewed here:

However, linking off to these resources from the Wizard help section may be a good idea, and perhaps @ennsk and @tnorkin - we should add a link from the help section in the tool to this resource to inform users where additional information is available?

Data Quality Section in the Wizard does currently include these informational tips to indicate to authors what the standard intends for authors to capture:

Data Quality Section Tips/Help image