DOI-USGS / hyRefactor
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sp/sf conversion failing in reconcile_catchment_divides #37

Open mikejohnson51 opened 2 years ago

mikejohnson51 commented 2 years ago

I just updated hyRefactor and a new error is spit out on every iteration of reconcile_catchment_divides

par_split_cat() on pid: 17245 catchment: 9534491 Error : [as,sf] coercion failed. You can try coercing via a Spatial* (sp) class

I think this is because fid needs to be called with !! here and when its not the filter is returning no results.

I will send this as a very small PR if that assumption holds.

mikejohnson51 commented 2 years ago

Yeah - this does solve the issue, it a long reprex but happy to submit for validation if needed. PR incoming