DOI-USGS / knoten

Python Geospatial Sensor Exploitation Library
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Systemic Errors in CTX at the top (start or stop?) of images when generating ground points #105

Closed jlaura closed 3 months ago

jlaura commented 1 year ago

Issue Description

CTX (line scan sensor model) is behaving strangely at the top of images.


I am seeing consistent, systematic errors at the top of CTX images using the CSM. These errors are evident when using the sensor model to project from the image to the ground. In the attached images, the pink pluses (+) are a grid of points at every 1000 pixels in the image, projected to an BCBF coordinate. Note the extreme shift in the uppermost set of points in this first image (B05_011720_1832_XN_03N217W).

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 13 13 AM

In the next image (B04_011377_1843_XN_04N212W), the effects are less pronounced at the top of the image. Instead, note how eight rows from the bottom, the regular grid suddenly widens. Points on the left (west) side of the image maintain good ground alignment while points on the right (east) side are incorrect.

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 14 43 AM

Finally, here is an example (B01_010018_1993_XN_19N191W) where the top rows of points are incorrect and are 'wrinkled' significantly to the top-right (NE). This is in contrast to the first example where the points shift dramatically to the left.

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 18 56 AM

Processing Steps


ale                       0.8.7           py310h91b1402_1    conda-forge
csm                           hc9558a2_0    conda-forge
cspice                    66                h7f98852_1015    conda-forge
isis                      6.0.0                         0    usgs-astrogeology
usgscsm                   1.6.0                h924138e_0    conda-forge


oleg-alexandrov commented 1 year ago

Some simple sanity checks here (without using logic for generating ground points) could be:

One could also try to do stereo with a well-behaved and poorly behaved CTX image, and inspect the DEM and error image (output of point2dem --errorimage), which would make use of results of triangulation, so projection from image to ground.

Here of course talking about the tools I am familiar with. Maybe going directly to your knotten notebook may be faster.

On my side I've worked with LRO NAC CSM very exhaustively in the last month or so, on more than 800 images. There's some jitter, but no weirdness as you see. This would be interesting to track down.

jlaura commented 1 year ago

@oleg-alexandrov Thanks for the suggestions. I was having similar thoughts about how to isolate this yesterday afternoon.

The map projected images do not look warped as one would expect if the ephemeris information was not good. These were projected via the ISIS sensor though, so that really only validates the input SPICE.

Next, I did a sanity check on the ground to image logic into the DEM. The images below demonstrate that that is where the error is. This is simply calling the CSM, so this appears to be a knoten problem. The images below are the same three areas, with identical grid spacing. In this test, I set the height above the ellipsoid inside of the knoten generate_ground_point to zero. Therefore, the grids are projected onto the ellipsoid. Notice how the systematic errors completely disappear! Pending feedback, it seems that this issue needs to be migrated over to knoten.

Height above the ellipsoid 0

Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 6 23 19 AM   Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 6 25 24 AM   Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 6 24 52 AM

Original images; Height above the ellipsoid from DEM.

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 13 13 AM   Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 18 56 AM   Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6 14 43 AM

jessemapel commented 1 year ago

Yeah this looks like you are hitting the edge of a DEM pixel. I don't know if the knoten code is interpolating at all, but doing at least a bilinear interpolation on the DEM may fix this issue. I'm going to close this here as it doesn't appear to be a problem with the library or the model.

jlaura commented 1 year ago

@jessemapel I am reopening this over here on Knoten as it seems to be an issue inside of the generate_ground_point function. I will continue to work on the issue over here.

I am not convinced that the issue is interpolation within the DEM, because the underlying DEM is a 20mpp ASP generate DEM (not a MOLA scale DEM). Having said that, I will test. When you are suggesting interpolation, are you suggesting a bilinear interpolation inside of the generate_ground_point function grabbing elevations from surrounding pixels or are you suggesting straight up smoothing the DEM?

oleg-alexandrov commented 1 year ago

You can try smoothing the DEM and then regridding it with with bicubic interpolation at 1 m/pixel with gdalwarp -r cubicspline just to see how the existing code handles a much higher resolution smooth DEM.

jlaura commented 1 year ago

I tested with an upsampled DEM and the results are the same. I suspect that this is in the logic for generate_ground_point. I am testing that now by comparing the output of generate_ground_point and an ISIS sensor model using the same high-resolution DEM.

Found it! Inside the generate_ground_point function a latlon_to_pixel call is made. That call can return line/sample locations that are outside of the DEM bounds. Here are the pixel coordinates, followed by iterations of image2ground where valid pixel locations and DEM heights are being returned and then where invalid pixel locations and the dataset no data value are being returned.


4000 7000
21446 742 -2692.362
21653 720 -2692.4055
21653 720 -2692.4055


1000 8000
4741 -3284 -32767.0
5158 -3292 -32767.0

The generate_ground_point code has no check to ensure that the pixel location in the DEM is valid (either because it is inbounds or because it is not the DEM defined NDV).

@jessemapel and @oleg-alexandrov were both correct, that this is occurring because the data are stepping off of a DEM pixel. In this case, the 'step' is from a valid height to a NDV 'height'.

One can see how ISIS solves this running campt where the reported error states: "Requested position does not project in camera model; no surface intersection". I think it makes the most sense to catch this error in knoten and have generate_ground_point provide an error if no valid height can be extracted. The other option is to alter plio such that pixel locations outside the image do not simply return the NDV. Input solicited about where folks think the fix should be made.

I am leaning towards both places because both are wrong for different reasons.

jlaura commented 3 months ago

This is super old. I believe this has been fixed with better DTM intersection code.

oleg-alexandrov commented 3 months ago

Could be nice to revisit, maybe, if doing related work, once the DTM intersection code is pulled in.

jlaura commented 3 months ago

I think that this is the fix, assuming one is using a surface from here.

oleg-alexandrov commented 3 months ago

Ah, I see. I assumed it was the unrelated logic in ISIS for intersecting with a DTM. Thanks for clarifying.