DOI-USGS / knoten

Python Geospatial Sensor Exploitation Library
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Adds valid height check for DEM intersection #121

Closed jlaura closed 6 months ago

jlaura commented 6 months ago


This project is mostly composed of free and unencumbered software released into the public domain, and we are unlikely to accept contributions that are not also released into the public domain. Somewhere near the top of each file should have these words:

This work is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain.

jlaura commented 6 months ago

@acpaquette I just realized that this repo has not testing CI 😨!! This PR is passing locally (with warnings related to the PVL library). How do you want to proceed? I don't want this to become an uber PR. I can open another PR with testing setup, we can get that merged, and then re-review/re-run this one. Or you could pull this PR local, also verify that it is passing and then we can get an issue open.

I did not mean for this to become a thing!