DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-model-prep

Pipeline #1
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Expand LAGOS dataset from LAGOS-NE to LAGOS-US? Spatial and depth data available #220

Closed hcorson-dosch-usgs closed 2 years ago

hcorson-dosch-usgs commented 3 years ago

Currently, the pipeline is using the LAGOS-NE database of lakes >= 4ha, which does not include AR, SD, or ND lakes:


It also uses LAGOS depth data from the lakeslimno10873.csv file and LAGOS secchi data from the epi_waterquality10873.csv file, both in the LAGOS-NE LIMNO dataset

In August 2021, the LAGOS-US database was released, which covers the conterminous US: image

The spatial data associated with the LAGOS-US LOCUS module is available here, in the lake.shp shapefile within the gis_locus_v1.0.gdb geodatabase within The switch would be pretty easy, but it does look like some attribute names have changed (e.g., lagos id, state).

According to the overview, depth data (LAGOS-US LAKE DEPTH) was expected September 2021, and secchi data (contained in LAGOS-US LIMNO) isn't expected to be available until summer 2022.

So for now, adding LAGOS-US would get us spatial data for more states in our footprint (AR, ND, SD), but not yet depth or secchi data, though depth at least may be available soon.

jordansread commented 2 years ago

Depth has arrived :tada:

limnoliver commented 2 years ago

Nice to see a broad-scale estimate of depth coverage to cite:

...contains in situ measurements of lake depth for a subset of all lakes (n = 17,675) in the conterminous U.S. > 1 ha (3.7% of 479,950) that are in the LAGOS-US...

lindsayplatt commented 2 years ago

@jread-usgs - I am currently working on replacing the LAGOS_NE depths in the pipeline with the LAGOS_US depths. Confused about how to actually get the depths file into the google drive. The LAGOS_NE one is within 3_params_fetch/out/ which indicates that it has a target that produces it, but I can't find one. There is a fetch_LAGOS_NE_depths() function that looks like what I should be using, but it isn't actually used anywhere in the pipeline. Seems like something is slightly off here.

lindsayplatt commented 2 years ago

Switch from LAGOS-NE to LAGOS-US for depth data completed with #329! Closing this and moving the potential for expanding the clarity data within #163 instead.