DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-model-prep

Pipeline #1
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Include UNDERC dataset? #261

Open jzwart opened 2 years ago

jzwart commented 2 years ago

I was looking at the data status map and noticed University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC) lakes aren't included in the dataset (green blocks in screen shot below) image

There are ~170 lakes in the Solomon et al data set with max depth information, ~95 lakes with temperature observations. A bunch of other data including water clarity in there too

lindsayplatt commented 2 years ago

@jread-usgs checking on how separate depth and temp are from the rest of the data to see how big of a lift it would be to include.

jordansread commented 2 years ago

@jzwart I wonder if these are in LAGOS, which would be covered in #220 and seems like a priority.

If not we could pull them in via that figshare dataset and contact Stuart prior to doing so.

jzwart commented 2 years ago

My guess is that they aren't in LAGOS. @joneslabND @ctsolomon or @kaijagahm do you know if Solomon et al data set is in LAGOS?

jordansread commented 2 years ago

I see some tasty lake data

jordansread commented 2 years ago

Profile data, which has 22221 non-NA temperature values on 90 lakes, 7 with over 1K obs:


I see a "color" table with some band-specific attenuation rates, but not a clarity/secchi field in here (at least upon initial look) that we could use for secchi depth or Kd (bulk attenuation coefficient).

update as Stuart points out below, I missed PAR in the profile table, which we can calculate a day-specific Kd from and it is a lot better of a data source than Secchi depth.

joneslabND commented 2 years ago

We measure water color in the lab, but there is a lot of PAR profile data too. Happy to chat about the database sometime if that is helpful. Obviously. Zwart knows a lot about it already.

joneslabND commented 2 years ago

My guess is that they aren't in LAGOS. @joneslabND @ctsolomon or @kaijagahm do you know if Solomon et al data set is in LAGOS?

I don't believe these data are in LAGOS.

jordansread commented 2 years ago

@joneslabND are you supportive of us pulling the max depth data and temperature profiles into our modeling pipeline? It currently has a lot of coverage in the midwest and we're looking to improve temperature and depth.

PAR data would be great too but we can reach out later on the specifics of that. Hope you are doing well.

joneslabND commented 2 years ago

you are welcome to any of those data. They are in the public domain on figshare (and updated at least once per year I think). If you cite the database when using it that would be great! The PAR data should be in the profiles table along with the depth-specific temperature data.

jordansread commented 2 years ago

Before adding temperature data:

map of data coverage for lakes in the Uni of Notre Dame env research area, colored by amount of temperature data

After adding Solomon et al. temperature data:

Same map as above, but with new temperature data sources from Solomon et al:
jzwart commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like any new lakes were added, were you also trying to add new lakes? I'd expect at least the following circled in red to be in the Solomon dataset


jordansread commented 2 years ago

@jzwart per it seems that adding the depths from Solomon et al only added one "modelable" lake to the pipeline, because many of these were already in there with different depth sources and those that weren't still don't have an estimate of clarity at this time, so they aren't appearing on the map.

As Stuart noted in the comments above, there are PAR profiles in the DB, and processing those could add the lakes you are circling but we'd probably want to make sure that is the case - that we would indeed add lakes and those lakes would include some that are highly studied (e.g., have decent amounts of temperature data) before going through the work of adding a Kd from PAR estimation to the pipeline, which we don't have yet.

joneslabND commented 2 years ago

most of the lakes Jake circled should have weekly par profiles during the summer over the last 8-10 years. That same subset would have manually collected weekly temperature profiles over the same time frame. Many of those lakes would also have summer-time high temporal resolution thermistor chain data for the last 6-8 years. I can't remember if our sensor database is in the same figshare repository as we have been discussing or a separate one, but either way you should be able to access those data too.

joneslabND commented 2 years ago

There are also weekly g440 water color measurements (based on spec readings in the lab) for lakes in the database.