DOI-USGS / lake-temperature-model-prep

Pipeline #1
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Add univ mo data #288

Closed padilla410 closed 2 years ago

padilla410 commented 2 years ago

This pull request completes the following:

The raw data from University of Missouri has 56,708 records. Approximately 33% of these records (18,599) make it into all_coop_dat_linked.feather. This relatively poor conversion rate is likely due to the point-in-polygon method used to crosswalk the state ID system used to the NHDHR system. This issue is documented in #289. Because of the issue, only data from three reservoirs makes it into the final data set: Mark Twain Res., Lake Stockton, and Truman Res.

Modifying the Bull Shoals parser resulted in 5,780 additional records for 73 unique DateTime values.

Finally, while I was poking around in crosswalk_coop_dat I took a few minutes to convert tidyr::gather to tidyr::pivot_longer. tidyr::gather was superceded by pivot_longer a few years ago and I didn't want to wait until it was removed from the package.

After completing the above, we pick up 3 more PGDL lakes (compared to #284). Snapshot of 8_viz/out/lakes_summary_fig.html: image